Waves experiment on Wind spacecraft carried electric dipoles to monitor
radio noise of local and solar origin in the frequency range 4 kHz-14 MHz.
Three receivers handle this spectral range: TNR (4-256 kHz), RAD1 (20-1,040
kHz), and RAD2 (1.1-13.8 MHz). Much of the data were obtained at the
location of the 1st Lagrangian point (~ 240 RE). For more details of the
spacecraft, experiment, and datasets, see
Another usefull site, maintained by the investigator team, is
NSSDC holds several digital and graphic files from the WIND/WAVES experiment
in the wind/waves directory, with the output files named as follows:
These postscript files carry power spectra of local and solar noise as
3-min averages in the frquency range 4kHz - 14 MHz, as one file/day. Each
file carries 700 kiloBytes.
Location: wind/waves/spectra_3min_ps
Same as 1), but in color. Each file carries 55 kB.
Location: wind/waves/spectra_3min_gif
3) CDF Files. Location: NOT IN THIS MACHINE, BUT IN http://cdaweb.gsfc.nasa.gov.
The CDF is bulit from the IDL-Saved binaries, and cover the 4 kHz-14 MHz band
in three segments: 4 - 256 kHz; 20 kHz - 1.04 MHz; and 1.1 - 14.0 MHz.
(These IDL-Saved segments, known as TNR, RAD 1, and RAD 2 are no longer
archived in this directory, but the dataset description is given in the later
paragraphs below.) The CDF version in CDAWeb enables ASCII list outputs and spectral
Digital RAD1 Files, IDL-Saved Binaries. Available only in http://lep694.gsfc.nasa.gov.
These are IDL-saved binary files at 1-min resolution. By "restoring" the
files, a color plot of the spectra could be made. Each file covers a
full day, and is a 2-dimensional matrix of 256 (logarithmically spaced
frequency channels covering 20 - 1,040 kHz) x 1440 (minutes/day),
providing the noise levels as multiples of daily minimum in each channel.
There is also an extra row (#1441) which provides the minimum noise level
for the day in each frequency band in mV/(sqrt(Hz)).
Not all 256 channels actualy monitor at one time; only about 32 do, and the
rest are interpolations. ("R1" in the file name stands for the RAD1
receiver). The directory also carries a plotting software (which we find to
be satisfactory only on an X-terminal), named WAVESDSP.PRO which can be
used for data from any of the three datasets (from RAD1, RAD2, and TNR).
Each file carries 2 MB.
Digital RAD2 Files, IDL-Saved Binaries. Available only in http://lep694.gsfc.nasa.gov
Same as RAD1, but with a single difference that this covers 1.1 - 13.8 MHz.
Data are most popular for investigations of solar and CME HF-radio bursts.
Digital TNR Files, IDL-Saved Binaries. Available only in http://lep694.gsfc.nasa.gov
Same as RAD1, but with the exceptions that the frquency range is 4-256 kHz and is
covered by 96 channels. Data is mainly of interest to the emissions in the
heliosphere and are directly entered in units of mV/(SQRT(Hz))
Plotting S/W. (Name: WAVESDSP.PRO)
This IDL program enables spectral plots of any of the datasets named above, i.e, TNR,
RAD1, and RAD2. The program has been frequently updated by the PI, Dr. Mike Kaiser;
contact is mkaiser@lepmlk.gsfc.nasa.gov.
Use of these data in publications should be accompanied by
acknowledgements of the National Space Science Data Center(NSSDC),
Space Physics Data Facility(SPDF) and Principal Investigator.
Related data and directories:
SPDF Data and Orbits Services
NSSDC Master Catalog
NSSDC/SPDF Contact: Natalia Papitashvili ,
Authorizing NASA Official: Dr. R.E. McGuire, Head, SPDF, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
301-286-7794, e-mail: Robert.E.McGuire@nasa.gov