A) INTRODUCTION ------------ Waves experiment on Wind spacecraft carried electric dipoles to monitor radio noise of local and solar origin in the frequency range 4 kHz-14 MHz. Three receivers handle this spectral range: TNR (4-256 kHz), RAD1 (20-1,040 kHz), and RAD2 (1.1-13.8 MHz). Much of the data were obtained at the location of the 1st Lagrangian point (~ 240 RE). For more details of the spacecraft, experiment, and datasets, see http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/database/www-nmc?94-071A-__ Another usefull site, maintained by the investigator team, is http://lep694.gsfc.nasa.gov/waves/doc1min.html B) DATA FILES AVAILABLE VIA FTP: ---------------------------- NSSDC holds several digital and graphic files from the WIND/WAVES experiment in the wind/waves directory, with the output files named as follows: 1) PS Files. (NAME: YYYYMMDD_WI_WAV_3MIN_V0N_PS) --------- These postscript files carry power spectra of local and solar noise as 3-min averages in the frquency range 4kHz - 14 MHz, as one file/day. Each file carries 700 kiloBytes. Location: wind/waves/spectra_3min_ps 2) GIF Files. (NAME: YYYYMMDD_WI_WAV_3MIN_V0N_GIF) --------- Same as 1), but in color. Each file carries 55 kB. Location: wind/waves/spectra_3min_gif 3) CDF Files. Location: NOT IN THIS MACHINE, BUT IN http://cdaweb.gsfc.nasa.gov. _________ The CDF is bulit from the IDL-Saved binaries, and cover the 4 kHz-14 MHz band in three segments: 4 - 256 kHz; 20 kHz - 1.04 MHz; and 1.1 - 14.0 MHz. (These IDL-Saved segments, known as TNR, RAD 1, and RAD 2 are no longer archived in this directory, but the dataset description is given in the later paragraphs below.) The CDF version in CDAWeb enables ASCII list outputs and spectral plots. ********************************************************************************** Digital RAD1 Files, IDL-Saved Binaries. Available only in http://lep694.gsfc.nasa.gov. -------------------------------------- These are IDL-saved binary files at 1-min resolution. By "restoring" the files, a color plot of the spectra could be made. Each file covers a full day, and is a 2-dimensional matrix of 256 (logarithmically spaced frequency channels covering 20 - 1,040 kHz) x 1440 (minutes/day), providing the noise levels as multiples of daily minimum in each channel. There is also an extra row (#1441) which provides the minimum noise level for the day in each frequency band in mV/(sqrt(Hz)). Not all 256 channels actualy monitor at one time; only about 32 do, and the rest are interpolations. ("R1" in the file name stands for the RAD1 receiver). The directory also carries a plotting software (which we find to be satisfactory only on an X-terminal), named WAVESDSP.PRO which can be used for data from any of the three datasets (from RAD1, RAD2, and TNR). Each file carries 2 MB. Digital RAD2 Files, IDL-Saved Binaries. Available only in http://lep694.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------- Same as RAD1, but with a single difference that this covers 1.1 - 13.8 MHz. Data are most popular for investigations of solar and CME HF-radio bursts. Digital TNR Files, IDL-Saved Binaries. Available only in http://lep694.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------- Same as RAD1, but with the exceptions that the frquency range is 4-256 kHz and is covered by 96 channels. Data is mainly of interest to the emissions in the heliosphere and are directly entered in units of mV/(SQRT(Hz)) Plotting S/W. (Name: WAVESDSP.PRO) ------------- This IDL program enables spectral plots of any of the datasets named above, i.e, TNR, RAD1, and RAD2. The program has been frequently updated by the PI, Dr. Mike Kaiser; contact is mkaiser@lepmlk.gsfc.nasa.gov. -------------------------------------------------------------- Acknowledgement: Use of these data in publications should be accompanied by acknowledgements of the National Space Science Data Center(NSSDC), Space Physics Data Facility(SPDF) and Principal Investigator. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Related data and directories: SPDF Data and Orbits Services NSSDC Master Catalog NSSDC/SPDF Contact: Natalia Papitashvili , --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Authorizing NASA Official: Dr. R.E. McGuire, Head, SPDF, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center 301-286-7794, e-mail: Robert.E.McGuire@nasa.gov ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------