Since shortly after the November 1, 1994, Wind launch, the MFI magnetometer team has been providing 1-min resolution "key parameters" in CDF format to the ISTP/CDHF. These data are passed from the CDHF to NSSDC/SPDF where they become CDAWeb-accessible. The MFI team created definitive data at 3-sec, 1-min, and 1-hour resolutions These were provided to NSSDC/SPDF in daily CDF-formatted files with the various time resolutions interspersed. These data were made accessible from CDAWeb - Owing to the likely broad interest in these data, NSSDC/SPDF created ASCII files, separated by the three time resolutions. The parameters picked up from the originally submitted CDF files for the 1-min ASCII files are: year,month,day,hour,minute,second bxgse,bygse,bzgse,bygsm,bzgsm,btotal bxgsmrms,bygsmrms,bzgsmrms,btotalrms number-of-points pxgse,pygse,pzgse,pygsm,pzgsm (p = s/c position) The parameters in the 3-sec ASCII files are the same except the spacecraft position data are not included. The parameters in the 1-hour ASCII files are the same except there is no word for "seconds."