Wind 15sec solar wind magnetic field data
This directory provides annual ASCII files of 15-sec-averaged, solar-wind-only,
Wind/MFI magnetic field data. This data set was created at GSFC/SPDF
from 3-sec data as part of an effort to create 1-min field-plasma-merged
Wind data as shifted to the Earth's bow shock nose.
See change history after the format statement below.
This 15-s MFI data set is accessible with graphical display and parameter
and time subsetting capabilities through the FTPBrowser interface at
The contents and format of the data set's records are:
Wd Format Fill values Parameters Units, Comments
1 I4 9999 Year 1995,1996,...
2 I4 999 DOY 1-366
3 I3 99 Hour 0-23
4 I3 99 Minute 0-59
5 I3 99 Second 0-59
6 I2 9 Nm, Number of mag field points
7 F8.2 9999.99 Bx GSE nT
8 F8.2 9999.99 By GSE nT
9 F8.2 9999.99 Bz GSE nT
10 F8.2 9999.99 Field Magnitude Average <|B|>, nT
In 2011, the MFI team undertook a new approach to daily-
resolution Bz offset determination, made additional cleanings
to the previously available data, and produced a new and very
clean and definitive data Version 5, running back to the
1994 start of the Wind life. Version 5 data are expected
to be held current to within about 3 months, and will include
final orbit parameters. Version 4 data, to be accessible
from 3 months to 2 weeks of current time, will contain final Bz
offset values and non-final orbit parameters.
During October, 2011, we recreated the 15s MFI
data set from 1994 to three months ago using the new V5 3s
data, and from that point to ~3 weeks ago using the new V4
data. We will recreate recent 15s data within 2-3 weeks of V5
data replacing V4 data, and we will extend the 15s data set with
new V4 data as they become available. We do not anticipate
holding the 15s data set current to less than two weeks, so we
will not use new V3 data in this 15s data set or the products
(e.g., High Resolution OMNI) derived from it. [The 3s ASCII
data, from which the 15s averages are generated, are themselves
created at SPDF from the CDF version underlying, and ftp-accessible
from, CDAWeb. To learn the current time point separating CDAWeb's
V5 and V4a data, see the relevant annual subdirectory under
Please acknowledge NASA's Space Physics Data Facility,
and the Principal Investigator Dr. Andriy Koval of UMBC, NASA/GSFC
Related data and directories:
SPDF Data and Orbits Services
SPDF Contact: Natalia Papitashvili ,
Authorizing NASA Official: Robert Candey (,
Head of the Space Physics Data Facility, GSFC/NASA