Voyager-2 Counting Rates (15-minute average)

The links below point to pages containing 15-minute averages of all CRS counting rates. The content page consists of a header followed by data.

First line identifies the spacecraft; VOYAGER-2
Line 2 contains the time of the first 15-minuteinterval in ISO 8601 format
Line 3 contains the time of the last 15-minuteinterval in ISO 8601 format
Line 4 contains the count of quantities (n)
Lines 5 to (4+n) identify the quantities. Each of these lines begins with a number that specifies the position of the quantity in the data lines that follow.

Data lines start with ISO 8601 formatted time string that defines the start of the 15-minute interval. Time string is followed by n entries, each of which consists of a pair of numbers. First of these is the value of the quantity and the second represents the statistical uncertainty. A missing measurement is represented by an entry where value is zero and the uncertainty equals -1. If, for lack of coverage, no data was available for an interval, then there is no line for that interval.

The measurement unit for all rates is: COUNTS / SECOND

Note: Please use caution using Voyager-2 Rate data after DOY 159/2019 (June 8).

As part of the Voyager 2 power management plan the CRS Replacement Heater was turned OFF and a Supplemental Heater, which uses less power, was turned ON on DOY 160/2019 02h:30m Space Craft Event Time (SCET). Subsequently, the CRS Supplemental Heater was turned OFF on DOY 178/2019 01h:15m SCET (June 27).

As a result, the temperature of the CRS instrument dropped from ~2 degrees C to ~ -59.5 degrees C. This change in the temperature affected the rates and derived fluxes at various levels depending on the individual instrument thresholds.

The RATE data has not been corrected.

See Voyager-2 Temperature Corrections for additional information.