01/20/2016 Voyager-2 is missing the Library Files from the directories: NOTE: Directories 'libr.0010, libr.0011 and libr.0012' contain no files. The last file in directory 'libr.0009' is: V2M2L009.I50 (renamed from V2M2L009.F000150.RE020892) The first file in directory 'libr.0013' is: V2M2L013.F01 (renamed from V2M2L013.F000001.RQ021506) "RE020892" and "RQ021506" are the JPL SER codes. Note: Above information from /cosmicra/voyager2/library/libr.0009/V2M2L009.log /cosmicra/voyager2/library/libr.0013/V2M2L013.log From the final Voyager-2 Mainframe log "http://voyager.gsfc.nasa.gov/heliopause/coverage/v2log.final" we have: EDR BLOCKS BLOCK CREATION JPL SER SLOT RECEIVED SLOT NO @ LIB NO. REC NO. ERR ENTRY LAST ENTRY STAT DISP PROCESS 2430 3/14/79 020892RE B0 3/14/79 64618 2499 606 550 1 E1 3/21/79 . . . 3371 7/ 9/79 021506RQ B0 7/ 9/79 64615 3373 1210 773 1 E1 7/ 9/79 LIBRARY BLOCK BLOCK CREATION ------START------- -------END-------- SER SEQ EDR PROCESSING NO DISP DATE ATTR WORK 2498 3/21/79 2/ 1/79 1:20: 1 2/ 1/79 23:26:25 9 149 2429 2 E0 7/ 1/79 10 3247 ==>2499 3/21/79 2/ 1/79 23:29:37 2/ 3/79 23:29:37 10 1 2430 1 E0 3/21/79 10 2514 2500 3/21/79 2/ 3/79 23:26:25 2/ 5/79 17:50:24 10 2 2431 1 E0 3/21/79 10 2514 BLOCK 2499 is labeled as SER 10 but it in SER 9 so a bit of discrepancy in the log. 3360 7/ 8/79 7/ 8/79 1: 8:47 7/ 8/79 10: 7:58 12 45 3358 2 E0 7/22/80 10 4708 ==>3373 7/ 9/79 7/ 8/79 10: 9:35 7/ 9/79 1: 7:58 13 1 3371 2 E0 7/22/80 10 4708 3374 7/ 9/79 7/ 9/79 1: 8:47 7/ 9/79 10: 7:58 13 2 3372 3 E0 7/22/80 10 4708 The missing Library files cover the time period from 02/03/79 23:26:25 to 07/08/79 10: 7:58 The closest approach to Jupiter was on July 9, 1979 so the missing library data corresponds to the pre-Jupiter encounter. In /cosmicra/voyager2/ency the Encyclopedia files that cover the time period of the missing Libraries are listed below so we have the end data. -r--r--r-- 1 nand nand 15731584 Feb 12 1996 V2072007.A073798 (1/21 01:30 - 2/08/79 17:15) -r--r--r-- 1 nand nand 15734008 Feb 12 1996 V2073799.A075439 (2/08 17:30 - 2/25/79 19:30) -r--r--r-- 1 nand nand 15739588 Feb 12 1996 V2075440.A077013 (2/25 19:45 - 3/14/79 05:00) -r--r--r-- 1 nand nand 15755384 Feb 12 1996 V2077014.A078365 (3/14 05:15 - 3/28/79 07:00) -r--r--r-- 1 nand nand 15753108 Feb 12 1996 V2078366.A080049 (3/28 07:15 - 4/14/79 20:00) -r--r--r-- 1 nand nand 15736372 Feb 12 1996 V2080050.A080462 (4/14 20:15 - 4/19/79 03:15) -r--r--r-- 1 nand nand 15746828 Feb 12 1996 V2080463.A081133 (4/19 03:30 - 4/26/79 03:00) -r--r--r-- 1 nand nand 15741344 Feb 12 1996 V2081134.A081820 (4/26 03:15 - 5/03/79 06:45) -r--r--r-- 1 nand nand 13478716 Feb 12 1996 V2081821.A082487 (5/03 07:00 - 5/10/79 05:30) -r--r--r-- 1 nand nand 15749384 Feb 12 1996 V2082489.A083188 (5/10 06:00 - 5/17/79 12:45) -r--r--r-- 1 nand nand 15752776 Feb 12 1996 V2083189.A083876 (5/17 13:00 - 5/24/79 16:45) -r--r--r-- 1 nand nand 15745028 Feb 12 1996 V2083877.A084354 (5/24 17:00 - 5/29/79 16:15) -r--r--r-- 1 nand nand 15745800 Feb 12 1996 V2084355.A084745 (5/29 16:30 - 6/02/79 18:00) -r--r--r-- 1 nand nand 15765016 Feb 12 1996 V2084746.A085432 (6/02 18:15 - 6/09/79 21:45) -r--r--r-- 1 nand nand 15752396 Feb 12 1996 V2085433.A085755 (6/09 22:00 - 6/13/79 06:30) -r--r--r-- 1 nand nand 15779844 Feb 12 1996 V2085756.A086165 (6/13 06:45 - 6/17/79 13:00) -r--r--r-- 1 nand nand 15781484 Feb 12 1996 V2086166.A086476 (6/17 13:15 - 6/20/79 18:45) -r--r--r-- 1 nand nand 14535224 Feb 12 1996 V2086477.A086778 (6/20 19:00 - 6/23/79 22:15) -r--r--r-- 1 nand nand 15732016 Feb 12 1996 V2086779.A087234 (6/23 22:30 - 6/28/79 16:15) -r--r--r-- 1 nand nand 15744960 Feb 12 1996 V2087235.A087687 (6/28 16:30 - 7/03/79 09:30) -r--r--r-- 1 nand nand 15751160 Feb 12 1996 V2087688.A088075 (7/03 09:45 - 7/07/79 10:30) -r--r--r-- 1 nand nand 15742240 Feb 12 1996 V2088076.A088449 (7/07 10:45 - 7/11/79 08:00) Excluded time periods (most of these time periods are for multiple days which need investigating): 1979/02/07 00:00:00 1979/02/12 00:00:00 1979/02/16 00:00:00 1979/03/19 00:00:00 1979/04/02 00:00:00 1979/04/03 00:00:00 1979/04/14 00:00:00 1979/04/23 00:00:00 1979/06/08 00:00:00 1979/06/09 00:00:00 1979/06/10 00:00:00 1979/06/17 00:00:00 1979/07/04 00:00:00 1979/10/14 00:00:00 The Encyclopedia section of the Mainframe log includes lots of overlapping time periods due to numerous reprocessing over the years. The reordered entries from the Encyclopedia data base for 1979 are below. ENCYCLOPEDIA CONTROL BLOCK CREATION 1ST ENC LST ENC 1ST SER LST SER 1ST SLT LST SLT MOD LAB LST SER MAX FT 14 11/22/77 1281 18515 1 488 106457 106518 M2E000 488 5000 ENCYCLOPEDIA BLOCKS BLOCK CREATION ATTR PREV NEXT ------START------- -------END-------- ST. REC END REC SER NO BLOCKS Reordered from Log: 13088 12/ 9/88 10 13087 13089 5/27/78 15: 0: 0 1/ 1/79 10: 0: 0 49117 70121 115 5000 13089 12/ 9/88 10 13088 13132 1/ 1/79 10:15: 0 1/ 8/79 3:45: 0 70122 70768 116 209 4602 6/12/80 10 4601 4603 1/ 8/79 4: 0: 0 5/10/79 5:30: 0 70769 82487 16 5000 4603 6/12/80 10 4602 4604 5/10/79 6: 0: 0 6/23/79 22:15: 0 82489 86778 17 5001 4709 7/22/80 10 4707 4710 6/23/79 22:30: 0 8/ 4/79 22:45: 0 86779 90812 18 5000 4710 7/22/80 10 4709 4722 8/ 4/79 23: 0: 0 8/ 7/79 7: 0: 0 90813 91037 19 274 5865 6/24/81 10 5863 5879 8/ 7/79 7:15: 0 12/21/79 5: 0: 0 91038 104085 22 5000 4780 7/31/80 10 4722 4781 12/21/79 5:15: 0 5/30/80 8: 0: 0 104086 119553 20 5000 Unknown Entries: 4533 4/15/80 4532 0 0 8/24/77 7:15: 0 5/31/79 23:45: 0 22590 84576 14 0 3314 7/ 4/79 3126 3307 3321 6/ 8/79 23:12: 0 7/ 4/79 11: 5:36 400036 411509 1 3777 3557 7/25/79 3126 3549 3987 7/ 4/79 11: 8:48 7/23/79 15:18:24 411510 420138 2 3776 3973 9/26/79 3967 3971 0 7/ 9/79 1: 7:12 7/10/79 0:48: 0 827143 828031 4 252 3997 10/11/79 3126 3995 0 7/23/79 23:40:48 8/10/79 23: 2:24 420295 428383 5 2521 ~ We have the Encyclopedia files but not the Library files on the Voyager computer. Next step is to examine the Exabyte backup tapes to see if the labels indicate the missing Library files.