pro praspec ; Creates spectrograms from Voyager PRA IDL save sets. ; ; This script reads savesets.txt, a list of IDL save sets. ; This script uses the CDAWlib package of IDL routines. ; These routines are available from: ; ; ; IDL save sets were created using the routine ; from the Voyager 1 and 2 PRA Highband data residing at The University of Iowa ; ; Leonard Garcia 2012 February 10 with minor updates 2016 January 5 ; Choose: left channel (0) or right channel(1)? ; lrchan=1 ; Need to create a frequency array and a time array to serve as axes ; for the spectrograms. ; ; ;From Wang and Carr, 1994 ; ;The high-band receiver consisted of 128 channels of 200 kHz bandwidth ;each, with center frequencies spaced at 307.2 kHz intervals from 1.2 MHz to 40.4 MHz. ; flo=1.2 fhi=40.4 fstep=0.3072 farray=fltarr(128) for i=0,127 do begin farray[i]=flo+fstep*(i) endfor ;print,farray ;read IDL save set and restore ;filename="v2790716.idl" ;filename=DIALOG_PICKFILE(filter="*.idl") ;read, 'Input filename? ',filename filename=" " & spacecraft = " " & date= " " & scname=" " openr,lun,"savesets.txt",/get_lun while not eof(lun) do begin readf,lun,filename restore,filename shortname=strmid(filename,0,8) spacecraft = strmid(shortname,0,2) case spacecraft of 'v1': scname="Voyager 1" 'v2': scname="Voyager 2" endcase case lrchan of 0: channel="L" 1: channel="R" endcase date=strmid(shortname,2,8) ; The structure looks similar to this. ;IDL> help,pra,/struc ;** Structure PRA_STRUC, 5 tags, length=528, data length=528: ; DUM1 LONG 520 ; YMD LONG 790716 ; MSEC LONG 46695 ; VALUES INT Array[128, 2] ; DUM2 LONG 520 ; corresponding to: ;file separation variable ;year, month, day information ;millisecond decimal value of the day ;Integer array (128,2) for 128 left and right channels (NOTE 128 channels for Hi-band; 70 channels for Lo-band) ;file separation variable ; ; This structure is repeated up to 2300 times, that is: ; IDL> help,pra.values ; INT = Array[128, 2, 2300] prasize=size(pra) ntimes=prasize[1] spec3=pra.values ; Which channel? Left or Right spec=reform(spec3[*,lrchan,*]) ;time array 48 second resolution starting from pra.msec. There are 1800 48 sec ;intervals in one 24 hour period tarray=pra.msec ymd=pra.ymd ymd1=ymd[0] ; Some of the times are zero. Estimate what it should have been for i=0,ntimes-1 do begin ttest=tarray[i] if (ttest eq 0 AND i ne 0) then begin tbefore=tarray[i-1] ttest=tbefore+48.0*1000.0 tarray[i]=ttest endif endfor ;print,tarray tarray=tarray/1000.0 tarray=tarray/60.0 tarray=tarray/60.0 ;if(ntimes gt 1800) then begin ; tarray=tarray[0:1800] ;endif ; Rotate the array spec2=rotate(spec,3) minspec = min(spec2) maxspec = max(spec2) print,"Min value= ",minspec," Max value= ",maxspec ;help,spec,tarray,farray,pra.ymd[0] plottitle=scname+" PRA Highband "+shortname+" "+channel+" date(yymmdd)="+date ; ; Output device (Local=0, PS color=1, PS gray=2, PS BW=3, Tek=4, Zbuf=5, GIF=6, PNG=7, ION=9)? 0 ; Create GIFS deviceopen,6 ; Default is rainbow 13, for black and white plots uncomment the following ; loadct,0 spectrogram,spec2,tarray,farray,xrange=[0,24],yrange=[1,41],xstyle=1,ystyle=1,title=plottitle,xtitle="HOURS",ytitle="FREQ (MHz)",cscale=[minspec,maxspec],ctitle="millibels" deviceclose outfile=shortname+channel+".gif" cmd="mv idl.gif "+outfile print,cmd spawn,cmd endwhile free_lun,lun end