======================================================================= Voyager 1: Proton Differential Fluxes, 1-hour averages ======================================================================= Each file in this directory contains one year's worth of data from the LECP instrument on the Voyager 1 spacecraft. Each record in a file contains 1-hour averages of fluxes and flux uncertainties of protons in the energy channels shown in the table below. Each file contains a 2-line header that identifies the spacecraft, data type and time resolution, and labels each column of data. Statistical uncertainties represent one standard deviation. Differential (in energy) flux units are: protons/(cm^2 sec ster MeV). A record contents is as follows: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- column label description ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 year 4-digit year 2 doy day of year (1-365 or 366) 3 hr hour of day (0-23) 4 dec_year decimal year (double precision) = year + (doy - 1 + hr/24)/dpy (dpy=365 or 366) 5 dec_doy decimal day of year = doy + hr/24 6 ch1_flux flux, protons 0.57-1.78 MeV 7 ch1_fluxu stat. unc. of above flux 8 ch16_flux flux, protons 3.40-17.6 MeV 9 ch16_fluxu stat. unc. of above flux 10 ch23_flux flux, protons 22.0-31.0 MeV 11 ch23_fluxu stat. unc. of above flux