Header: Line 1: Spacecraft Line 2: Time of the first 6 hour interval in ISO 8601 format Line 3: Time of the last 6 hour interval in ISO 8601 format Line 4: Number of flux bins 'b' Lines 5 to (4+'b') describe the contents of the flux bins Each of these lines begins with a number that specifies the position of the quantity in the data rows. That is followed by the energy interval, particle and CRS telescope. Data Rows: Data lines start with the ISO 8601 formatted time string that defines the start of the 6 hour interval. The time string is followed by 'b' entries. Each entry consists of eight, tab-delimited numbers as follows: Field 1: Rate Count (R). Field 2: Accumulation Time (T). Field 3: Total Events analyzed by PHA (N). Field 4: Analyzed LiveTime (LT). Field 5: PHA Events in energy range of interest (n). Field 6: n / GF where GF is the Geometry Factor. Field 7: Calculated Flux. Field 8: Calculated Error. where: n * R Flux = ---------------- T * GF * E * N Flux Error = Flux --------- sqrt(n) A missing measurement is represented by an entry where the values are zero and the uncertainty equals -1. If, for lack of coverage, no data was available for an interval, then there is no line for that interval. So each line will have 8b+1 fields, where 'b' is the number of bins. The measurement unit for all fluxes is: PARTICLES / M2-S-SR-MeV/Nuc