File: VY1CRS_DIR.txt Version: NSSDC 02/05/2006 JFC ------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOYAGER 1 COSMIC RAY (CRS) Experiment: SIX HOUR INTERPLANETARY COUNTING RATES AND FLUXES Principal Investigator: Prof. Edward C. Stone Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology Data Contact: Dr. Nand Lal Code 612.4 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, MD 20771 Internet: Phone: 301-286-7350 Description: The SIX_HOUR subdirectory includes the full six-hour average interplanetary cruise count rate and flux data set in ASCII format from the Voyager 1 Cosmic Ray (CRS) experiment. The data set documentation in the VY1CRS_6H_FMT.txt file describes in detail the CRS experiment, processing of the data, and the format of this data set, and the VY1CRS_PUB.txt file gives a comprehensive list of publications from the CRS experiment team. Also see file VY1CRS_NMC.txt in the current directory for the experiment description from the NSSDC Master Catalog. Data Source: NSSDC magnetic tape archive, data set 77-084A-08B Related Information and Data: Further details on the spacecraft, experiment, data sets at NSSDC, and related WWW sites can be found on the Voyager 1/2 flight project page under Hour averages of the interplanetary solar wind data from, and hourly heliocentric coordinates of, Voyager 1/2 and other interplanetary spacecraft may be also be accessed and plotted on-line through the COHOWeb service based at the same WWW site as above. Acknowledgement: Use of these data in publications should be accompanied at minimum by acknowledgements of the National Space Science Data Center and the responsible Principal Investigator defined in the experiment documentation provided here.