VOYAGER PRODUCTION FILE NAMING CONVENTIONS EDR - Raw EDR's from FTP session or CDROM are located either in the directory DKB100:[VOYAGER.DATA.EDR] (FTP) or DKA400:[VOYAGER.EDR.(V1,V2).Y(YY)] (CDROM). Raw EDR's are named following the convention [E]YY(A,B)DDD.EDR where, E - indicates CDROM source YY - year (00-99) A - Voyager 1 s/c B - Voyager 2 s/c DDD - day (000-365) EX. E89B001.EDR reblocked EDR's are located in the directory, DKB100:[VOYAGER.DATA.EDR]. Names follow the convention [E]YY(A,B)DDD.DAT where, E - indicates CDROM source YY - year (00-99) A - Voyager 1 s/c B - Voyager 2 s/c DDD - day (000-365) EX. E89B001.DAT SUMMARY - summary data are located in the directory, DKB100:[VOYAGER.DATA.SUMMARY]. Names follow the convention [F][E]YY(A,B)DDD.(DUA,SEC,PRI) where, F - indicates Mish filtered data E - indicates CDROM source YY - year (00-99) A - Voyager 1 s/c B - Voyager 2 s/c DDD - day (000-365) DUA - indicates dual mag processing SEC - indicates secondary mag processing PRI - indicates primary mag processing EX. F91B121.SEC HOUR - hour averaged data are located in the directory, DKB100:[VOYAGER.DATA.HOUR]. Names follow the convention H[F][E]YY(A,B)DDD.(DUA,SEC,PRI) where, H - indicates hour averaged data F - indicates Mish filtered data E - indicates CDROM source YY - year (00-99) A - Voyager 1 s/c B - Voyager 2 s/c DDD - day (000-365) DUA - indicates dual mag processing SEC - indicates secondary mag processing PRI - indicates primary mag processing EX. HFE92A001.DUA ROLL - ASCII 48 second roll data are located in the directory, DKB100:[VOYAGER.DATA.ROLL]. Names follow the convention Z[F][E]YY(A,B)DDD.(DUA,SEC,PRI) where, Z - indicates ASCII 48 second Parker data F - indicates Mish filtered data E - indicates CDROM source YY - year (00-99) A - Voyager 1 s/c B - Voyager 2 s/c DDD - day (000-365) DUA - indicates dual mag processing SEC - indicates secondary mag processing PRI - indicates primary mag processing EX. ZF94B061.PRI