Explanation of Activity Modules
We are creating a series of on-line Activity Modules which can be used with a wide range of age-groups in an interactive and informal setting, where the degree of sophistication of the recording techniques and analysis are scaled to the capabilities of the participants. These modules stress motion, invention, and interaction rather than lecture or traditional laboratory technique.
The underlying theme, common to many NASA programs, is the use of measurement techniques to discover information about phenomena that are normally out of our reach or which can only be viewed from the unique vantage point of space. The Activity Modules will cover topics related to triangulation, trajectory mapping, waveform analysis, wave propagation and spectral analysis (all of which are directly related to our Ulysses investigation), tying them back to the work we are doing in understanding Earth's environment within the solar wind. They involve a hands-on approach where the students help invent the techniques used to solve the problem and can build contraptions to help measure the phenomena. We would like the participants to come away with the idea that space science is an interesting activity whose techniques are relevant to our lives on earth. Use of these modules would be particularly appropriate to experential situations, such as are encountered in scouting, 4H and other similar organizations. TAG programs should also find them useful.
After the modules have been tested and refined, we plan to supply copies to the NASA Education Resource Centers throughout the country. The modules will be complete with instructions for equipment, follow-up activities, and a bibliography as well as visuals for overhead transparency use where appropriate. Comments would be appreciated; if desired, they can be input through the Comment form on the URAP Home Page.