v.289, n.3, SEP 20, 94, p.957-971
We study a set of solar type III radio bursts where the emission is visible
from the
high-frequency limit of the radio astronomy receiver of the Ulysses Unified
Radio and Plasma
wave (URAP) experiment down to low frequencies, sometimes near the plasma
and where Langmuir wave spikes are recorded by the radio and/or plasma
For 14 of the 16 type III bursts studied, the emission at the onset of the
burst was at the
fundamental of the plasma frequency as deduced from the progression of start
times at
decreasing frequency and the time of commencement of the Langmuir waves. For
about 12 of
these cases, the spectrum of radio flux density at the time of the plasma
waves is continuous
just to the plasma frequency or the flux density decreases sharply within a
few kHz of the
plasma frequency. In two cases there is a good association of a type III
burst with plasma wav
es but the fundamental radiation cuts off at about 1/2 and 1/3 of the plasma
frequency. While
not studied in detail in this paper, we note that there are frequently
cutoffs of radio emission
well above the plasma frequency, but in the absence of closely associated
plasma waves there
is no means of knowing whether the radiation is at the fundamental or at the
In two cases the evidence indicates that the radiation near burst onset
changed from
fundamental near the Sun to the harmonic, starting at 0.3 AU in one case and
0.9 AU in the
other case. This and previous studies suggest that such events are rare:
almost always when
a Langmuir wave association exists, the type III radiation at burst onset is
at the
fundamental. Harmonic radiation typically becomes dominant at later times,
near or after the
time of maximum flux density.
The speeds of electrons that produced the type III bursts ranged from 0.04 c
to 0.13 c. The
brightness temperatures of the radiation at the lowest frequency measurable
at the times of
Langmuir wave spikes ranged from T-B approximate to 10(10) K to 10(12) K.
These results pose questions regarding the emission of radio emission by
Langmuir waves.
When Langmuir waves are observed, why is it only sometimes that radio
radiation is emitted
by them at the fundamental? Put another way, why is there often a gap or a
cutoff in the
radiation at a frequency well above the plasma frequency? In the few cases
where the
radiation at times of Langmuir wave spikes is at the harmonic, why is there
no fundamental?