File: ULYHSC_LEM_1H_FMT.txt Version: U. of Birmingham ------------------------------------------------------------------------- HISCALE-LEMS RECORD FORMAT (REFERENCE: A&A,92,2 page 355, table 1) LOCATION: ESTUDS::DKA500:[UDS.HISCALE.LEM]UHISLEMJ90318.DAT;1 UDS REPRESENTATIVE: J. TAPPIN (SJT@XUN8.SR.BHAM.AC.UK) RECORD FORMAT: C FIXED FORMAT READ(1,100)IYEAR,IDOY,IHOUR,IMIN,ISEC, . P1,P2,P4,P6,P8, . DE1,DE2,DE3,DE4, . P1D,P2D,P4D,P6D,P8D 100 FORMAT(I4,I4.3,3I3.2,14G10.4) PARAMETER LIST: IYEAR: year IDOY: day of year IHOUR: hour IMIN: minute ISEC: second P1: ions (56-78 keV) 30 degrees to spin P2: " (78-130 keV) " P4: " (214-337 keV) " P6: " (594-1073 keV) " P8: " (1802-4752 keV) " DE1: electrons (38-53 keV) " DE2: " (53-103 keV) " DE3: " (103-175 keV) " DE4: " (175-315 keV) " P1D: ions (61-77 keV) 120 degrees to spin P2D: " (77-127 keV) " P4D: " (207-336 keV) " P6D: " (601-1123 keV) " P8D: " (1874-4752 keV) " FLUX UNITS: (/cm2/s/sr/MeV) TIME RESOLUTION: 1 hour NOTES: The instrument background has been subtracted from all channels For channels P1 and P2 the sectors on the sunward side of the rotation are omitted from the spin average as these can be contaminated by solar X-rays