Ulysses HET
Full Resolution Dataset --- Housekeeping

TIME:   time is the start time of the interval
    Decimal Year
    Integer Year
    Integer Day of Year
    Integer Milli-second of Day

       The ADC_offset  millivolts (mV)
     +15_Volt_Monitor  millivolts (mV)
     +10_Volt_Monitor  millivolts (mV)
     -6_Volt_Montitor  millivolts (mV)
     -15_Volt_Monitor  millivolts (mV)
     PMT_Volt_Monitor  millivolts (mV)
  Kevex1_Volt_Monitor  millivolts (mV)
  Kevex2_Volt_Monitor  millivolts (mV)
     Electronics_Temp  millidegrees (mC)

All values are taken at the beginning of the start interval

These are not averages, but instead, instantaneous readings
   thus long-term averages are found by summing and dividing by the number of values summed
   fill values should not be included in any long-term averaging

N.B.  The ADC_offset and the +15V monitor toggle with the IFC (IFC_OFF == ADC_offset,  IFC_ON == +15V_Monitor)

   Fill value is -99999 for all quantities

The format of a single data line is (f18.12, i5, i4, i10, 9i8)

   decimal_year    year day    msec     adcoff  +15V    +10V     -6V    -15V  PMTvolt  K1volt  K2volt ElecTemp

 2009.151421836568 2009  56  23239038  -99999  -99999  -99999  -99999  -99999  -99999  -99999  -99999  -99999
 2009.150684931539 2009  56         1  -99999  -99999  -99999  -99999  -99999  -99999  -99999  -99999  -99999
 2009.151438072108 2009  56  23751042  -99999  -99999  -99999  -99999  -99999  -99999  -99999  -99999  -99999
 2009.151503014396 2009  56  25799062    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400    -700
 2009.151567956653 2009  56  27847081    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400    -700
 2009.151632898909 2009  56  29895100    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400    -700
 2009.151697841166 2009  56  31943119    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400    -700
 2009.151762783454 2009  56  33991139    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400    -700
 2009.151827725710 2009  56  36039158    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400    -700
 2009.151892667967 2009  56  38087177    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400    -700
 2009.151957610223 2009  56  40135196    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400    -700
 2009.152022552511 2009  56  42183216    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400    -700
 2009.152087494768 2009  56  44231235    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400    -700
 2009.152152437024 2009  56  46279254    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400    -700
 2009.152217379281 2009  56  48327273    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400    -700
 2009.152282321569 2009  56  50375293    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400    -700
 2009.152347263826 2009  56  52423312    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400    -700
 2009.152412206082 2009  56  54471331    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400    -700
 2009.152477148370 2009  56  56519351  -99999  -99999  -99999  -99999  -99999  -99999  -99999  -99999  -99999
 2009.152542090627 2009  56  58567370    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400    -700
 2009.152607032883 2009  56  60615389    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400    -700
 2009.152671975140 2009  56  62663408    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400    -700
 2009.152736917428 2009  56  64711428    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400    -700
 2009.152801859684 2009  56  66759447    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400    -700
 2009.152866801941 2009  56  68807466    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400    -700
 2009.152931744197 2009  56  70855485    1550  -99999  -99999   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400    -700
 2009.153000745370 2009  56  73031506  -99999  -99999  -99999  -99999  -99999  -99999  -99999  -99999  -99999
 2009.153016980942 2009  56  73543511    1550  -99999    9960  -99999  -99999  -99999  -99999  -99999  -99999
 2009.153033216483 2009  56  74055515    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400    -700
 2009.153049452055 2009  56  74567520    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400    -700
 2009.153065687627 2009  56  75079525    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400    -700
 2009.153081923199 2009  56  75591530    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400    -700
 2009.153098158771 2009  56  76103535    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400    -700
 2009.153114394343 2009  56  76615540    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400   -1000
 2009.153130629883 2009  56  77127544    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400   -1000
 2009.153146865455 2009  56  77639549    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400   -1000
 2009.153163101027 2009  56  78151554    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400   -1000
 2009.153179336599 2009  56  78663559    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400   -1300
 2009.153195572171 2009  56  79175564    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400   -1300
 2009.153211807712 2009  56  79687568    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400   -1300
 2009.153228043284 2009  56  80199573    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400   -1700
 2009.153244278856 2009  56  80711578    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400   -1700
 2009.153260514428 2009  56  81223583    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400   -1700
 2009.153276750000 2009  56  81735588    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400   -1700
 2009.153292985572 2009  56  82247593    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400   -2000
 2009.153309221112 2009  56  82759597    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400   -2000
 2009.153325456684 2009  56  83271602    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400   -2000
 2009.153341692256 2009  56  83783607    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400   -2000
 2009.153357927828 2009  56  84295612    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400   -2000
 2009.153374163400 2009  56  84807617    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400   -2300
 2009.153390398941 2009  56  85319621  -99999  -99999  -99999  -99999  -14660  -99999  -99999  -99999   -2300