Ulysses HET Full Resolution Dataset --- Housekeeping TIME: time is the start time of the interval Decimal Year Integer Year Integer Day of Year Integer Milli-second of Day UNITS: The ADC_offset millivolts (mV) +15_Volt_Monitor millivolts (mV) +10_Volt_Monitor millivolts (mV) -6_Volt_Montitor millivolts (mV) -15_Volt_Monitor millivolts (mV) PMT_Volt_Monitor millivolts (mV) Kevex1_Volt_Monitor millivolts (mV) Kevex2_Volt_Monitor millivolts (mV) Electronics_Temp millidegrees (mC) All values are taken at the beginning of the start interval These are not averages, but instead, instantaneous readings thus long-term averages are found by summing and dividing by the number of values summed fill values should not be included in any long-term averaging N.B. The ADC_offset and the +15V monitor toggle with the IFC (IFC_OFF == ADC_offset, IFC_ON == +15V_Monitor) FILL: Fill value is -99999 for all quantities The format of a single data line is (f18.12, i5, i4, i10, 9i8) decimal_year year day msec adcoff +15V +10V -6V -15V PMTvolt K1volt K2volt ElecTemp 2009.027410509925 2009 11 417841 1550 -99999 9960 -99999 -14660 1065300 662500 642400 -700 2009.027426745497 2009 11 929846 1550 -99999 9960 -6000 -14660 1065300 662500 642400 -700 2009.027442981069 2009 11 1441851 1550 -99999 9960 -6000 -14660 1065300 662500 642400 -700 2009.027459216641 2009 11 1953856 -99999 -99999 9960 -6000 -14660 1065300 662500 642400 -700 2009.027475452213 2009 11 2465861 1550 -99999 9960 -6000 -14660 1065300 662500 642400 -1000 2009.027491687785 2009 11 2977866 1550 -99999 9960 -6000 -14660 1065300 662500 642400 -1000 2009.027507923357 2009 11 3489871 1550 -99999 9960 -6000 -14660 1065300 662500 642400 -1000 2009.027524158930 2009 11 4001876 1550 -99999 9960 -6000 -14660 1065300 662500 642400 -1300 2009.027540394502 2009 11 4513881 1550 -99999 9960 -6000 -14660 1065300 662500 642400 -1300 2009.027556630074 2009 11 5025886 1550 -99999 9960 -6000 -14660 1065300 662500 642400 -1300 2009.027572865646 2009 11 5537891 1550 -99999 9960 -6000 -14660 1065300 662500 642400 -1300 2009.027589101218 2009 11 6049896 1550 -99999 9960 -6000 -14660 1065300 662500 642400 -1700 2009.027605336790 2009 11 6561901 1550 -99999 9960 -99999 -99999 1065300 -99999 642400 -99999 2009.027621572362 2009 11 7073906 1550 -99999 9960 -6000 -14660 1065300 662500 642400 -1700 2009.027637807902 2009 11 7585910 1550 -99999 9960 -6000 -14660 1065300 662500 642400 -1700 2009.027654043474 2009 11 8097915 1550 -99999 9960 -6000 -14660 1065300 662500 642400 -2000 2009.027670279046 2009 11 8609920 1550 -99999 9960 -6000 -14660 1065300 662500 642400 -2000 2009.027686514618 2009 11 9121925 1550 -99999 9960 -6000 -14660 1065300 662500 642400 -2000 2009.027702750190 2009 11 9633930 -99999 -99999 -99999 -6000 -14660 -99999 662500 642400 -2000 2009.028693119990 2009 11 40866232 -99999 -99999 -99999 -99999 -99999 -99999 -99999 -99999 -99999 2009.028709355562 2009 11 41378237 1550 -99999 9960 -99999 -99999 -99999 -99999 -99999 -99999 2009.028725591134 2009 11 41890242 1550 -99999 9960 -6000 -14660 1065300 662500 642400 -300 2009.028741826706 2009 11 42402247 1550 -99999 9960 -6000 -14660 1065300 662500 642400 -300 2009.028758062278 2009 11 42914252 1550 -99999 9960 -6000 -14660 1065300 662500 642400 -700 2009.028774297850 2009 11 43426257 1550 -99999 9960 -6000 -14660 1065300 662500 642400 -700 2009.028790533422 2009 11 43938262 1550 -99999 9960 -6000 -14660 1065300 662500 642400 -700 2009.029646959760 2009 11 70946523 -99999 -99999 -99999 -99999 -99999 -99999 -99999 -99999 -99999 2009.029679430904 2009 11 71970533 1550 -99999 9960 -6000 -99999 1065300 662500 642400 -99999 2009.029711902048 2009 11 72994543 1550 -99999 9960 -6000 -14660 1065300 662500 642400 0 2009.029744373192 2009 11 74018553 -99999 -99999 -99999 -6000 -14660 1065300 662500 642400 -300 2009.029764667650 2009 11 74658559 -99999 -99999 -99999 -99999 -99999 -99999 -99999 -99999 -99999 2009.029772785452 2009 11 74914562 1550 -99999 9960 -99999 -99999 -99999 -99999 -99999 -99999 2009.029789021024 2009 11 75426567 1550 -99999 9960 -6000 -14660 1065300 662500 642400 -300 2009.029805256596 2009 11 75938572 1550 -99999 9960 -6000 -14660 1065300 662500 642400 -700 2009.029821492168 2009 11 76450577 1550 -99999 9960 -6000 -14660 1065300 662500 642400 -700 2009.029837727740 2009 11 76962582 1550 -99999 9960 -6000 -14660 1065300 662500 642400 -700 2009.029853963312 2009 11 77474587 1550 -99999 9960 -6000 -14660 1065300 662500 642400 -700 2009.029870198884 2009 11 77986592 1550 -99999 9960 -6000 -14660 1065300 662500 642400 -1000 2009.029886434456 2009 11 78498597 -99999 -99999 -99999 -6000 -14660 -99999 -99999 -99999 -1000