Ulysses HET
Full Resolution Dataset --- Housekeeping

TIME:   time is the start time of the interval
    Decimal Year
    Integer Year
    Integer Day of Year
    Integer Milli-second of Day

       The ADC_offset  millivolts (mV)
     +15_Volt_Monitor  millivolts (mV)
     +10_Volt_Monitor  millivolts (mV)
     -6_Volt_Montitor  millivolts (mV)
     -15_Volt_Monitor  millivolts (mV)
     PMT_Volt_Monitor  millivolts (mV)
  Kevex1_Volt_Monitor  millivolts (mV)
  Kevex2_Volt_Monitor  millivolts (mV)
     Electronics_Temp  millidegrees (mC)

All values are taken at the beginning of the start interval

These are not averages, but instead, instantaneous readings
   thus long-term averages are found by summing and dividing by the number of values summed
   fill values should not be included in any long-term averaging

N.B.  The ADC_offset and the +15V monitor toggle with the IFC (IFC_OFF == ADC_offset,  IFC_ON == +15V_Monitor)

   Fill value is -99999 for all quantities

The format of a single data line is (f18.12, i5, i4, i10, 9i8)

   decimal_year    year day    msec     adcoff  +15V    +10V     -6V    -15V  PMTvolt  K1volt  K2volt ElecTemp

 2008.528018674073 2008 194  22017719  -99999  -99999  -99999  -99999  -99999  -99999  -99999  -99999  -99999
 2008.528034865285 2008 194  22529724    1550  -99999    9960  -99999  -99999 1065300  662500  642400  -99999
 2008.528051056530 2008 194  23041730    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400    2700
 2008.528067247774 2008 194  23553736    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400    2700
 2008.528083438986 2008 194  24065741    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400    2700
 2008.528099630230 2008 194  24577747    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400    2700
 2008.528115821475 2008 194  25089753    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400    2700
 2008.528132012687 2008 194  25601758    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400    2300
 2008.528148203931 2008 194  26113764    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400    2300
 2008.528164395144 2008 194  26625769    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400    2300
 2008.528180586388 2008 194  27137775    1550  -99999   10010   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400    2300
 2008.528196777632 2008 194  27649781    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400    2000
 2008.528212968845 2008 194  28161786    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400    2000
 2008.528229160089 2008 194  28673792    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400    2000
 2008.528245351333 2008 194  29185798    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400    2000
 2008.528261542546 2008 194  29697803    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400    1700
 2008.528277733790 2008 194  30209809    1550  -99999  -99999   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400    1700
 2008.529443502517 2008 194  67074214  -99999  -99999  -99999  -99999  -99999  -99999  -99999  -99999  -99999
 2008.529459693761 2008 194  67586220    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400    2700
 2008.529475884974 2008 194  68098225    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400    2700
 2008.529492076218 2008 194  68610231    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400    2700
 2008.529508267462 2008 194  69122237    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400    2700
 2008.529524458675 2008 194  69634242    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400    2700
 2008.529540649919 2008 194  70146248    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400    2300
 2008.529556841163 2008 194  70658254    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400    2300
 2008.529573032376 2008 194  71170259    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400    2300
 2008.529589223620 2008 194  71682265    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400    2300
 2008.529605414864 2008 194  72194271    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400    2000
 2008.529621606077 2008 194  72706276    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400    2000
 2008.529637797321 2008 194  73218282    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400    2000
 2008.529653988533 2008 194  73730287    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400    2000
 2008.529670179778 2008 194  74242293    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400    1700
 2008.529686371022 2008 194  74754299    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400    1700
 2008.529702562234 2008 194  75266304    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400    1700
 2008.529718753479 2008 194  75778310    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400    1300
 2008.529734944723 2008 194  76290316    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400    1300
 2008.529751135935 2008 194  76802321    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400    1300
 2008.529767327180 2008 194  77314327    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400    1300
 2008.529783518392 2008 194  77826332    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400    1300
 2008.529799709636 2008 194  78338338    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400    1000
 2008.529815900880 2008 194  78850344    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400    1000
 2008.529832092093 2008 194  79362349    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400    1000
 2008.529848283337 2008 194  79874355    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400    1000
 2008.529864474581 2008 194  80386361    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400    1000
 2008.529880665794 2008 194  80898366    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400     700
 2008.529896857038 2008 194  81410372    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400     700
 2008.529913048251 2008 194  81922377    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400     700
 2008.529929239495 2008 194  82434383    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400     700
 2008.529945430739 2008 194  82946389    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400     700
 2008.529961621952 2008 194  83458394    1550  -99999    9960   -6000  -14660 1065300  662500  642400     700
 2008.529977813196 2008 194  83970400  -99999  -99999  -99999   -6000  -14660  -99999  662500  642400     700