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Ulysses COSPIN Anisotropy Telescope #2 Interplanetary 10-min Avg. Particle Flux


Availability: At NSSDC, Ready for Electronic Access

Time span: 1991-01-01 to 2003-12-31


This data set consists of 10-min average interplanetary fluxes for protons and alphas from the Anistropy Telescope #2 (AT2) sensor in the COSPIN experiment on Ulysses. The two telescopes, AT1 and AT2, respectively point at 60 (looking earthward) and 145 (anti-earthward) degrees to the spacecraft spin axis, both measuring protons and alphas in 13 data channels responding to protons at 0.7 - 6.5 MeV and alphas at 2.3 - 26 MeV (total energy). The proton and alpha responses are mixed, but the latter is usually not significant. Five of the channels are divided into 4 or 8 spin sectors, data from the other channels being spin averaged. This data set includes date-times five initial fields for each 10-min interval and 16 fields for flux channels in units of ions/(cm2 sr s MeV). These fluxes include eight sectored fluxes for protons at 1.3 - 2.2 MeV and alphas at 2.7 - 3.0 MeV. The data file file format is ASCII with one file per day, and an accompanying text file describes the record format. Each record contains 21 fields of information, the first five being time-stamps referring to the center time of the data contained in the remaining 16 fields. Some spurious spikes still remain in the data records. Large excursions confined to a single 10 minute interval should therefore be viewed with suspicion. It is recommended that the COSPIN team be contacted before extensive interpretation and analysis of these counting rate data is undertaken. This data set was provided to NSSDC and updated through the Ulysses Data System at ESA's ESTEC facility. Further details about the data and the experiment may be found in Simpson et al., Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser., 92(2), 365-399. 1992, except that the AT1 and AT2 look directions in that reference are incorrect and superceded by those given above. The data are available on-lin at under directory /at2/10min_new/

Alternate Names

  • SPDF0788


  • National Space Science Data Center


  • Space Physics: Heliospheric Studies


  • 90-090B-02F

Additional Information



Questions or comments about this data collection can be directed to: Dr. John F. Cooper.



NameRoleOriginal AffiliationE-mail
Dr. Andre BaloghGeneral ContactImperial

Selected References

Simpson, J. A., et al., The Ulysses cosmic ray and solar particle investigation, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser., 92, No. 2, 365-399, Jan. 1992.

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