Format for Ulysses 1-minute avg magnetic field files

Each line contains Year, Day (1 = Jan 1), Hour, Minute, Second, BR, BT, BN, B
in the format (1x,i2,i4.3,3i3.2, 4f8.3).

The time tag is the midpoint of the one-minute averaging interval.  BR, BT,
and BN are the minute averages of the field components in the SH (or RTN)
system.  B is the minute average of the field magnitude, not the magnitude
of the average field vector.  Field units are nT.

No records are written for data gaps.

Most files cover 10-day intervals, except that the first file of each year
covers days 1-9, and the last file of each year covers days 360-365 (or 366).

The current submission of 29 files includes the data from
1993, day 270 to 1994, day 181 inclusive.

-Joyce Wolf, JPL, 5 June 1996.