We have recently reprocessed the SABER H2O VMR data to correct for out of band (OOB) signal contamination. This data is now being released to the public as a new SABER dataset, version 2.07. Other parameters are unchanged from version 2.0. Version 2.07 is now automatically served by the saber data server. The following link goes to a pdf document that gives a brief overview of the H2O product - SABER_H2O_Overview The Custom Data Tool has been updated to include missing values for data that is not available and to include time and location data above 155 km if either NO_ver_top or NO_ver_top_unfilt are selected. NetCDF files of updated atomic oxygen, atomic hydrogen, and other related parameters are now available for 2002-2016 ftp://saber.gats-inc.com/Version2_0/SABER_atox/ We have recently restored many events, mostly tropical, from 2015 and 2016 that failed in the operational processing due to changes in the TIMED orbit. The operational algorithm was modified to account for the orbit changes in early October, 2016 and all production data starting with October 4, 2016 have no such issue. Missing events prior to the operational change are now available and have been merged with the existing data to create new netCDF files that include all available events. These files are tagged as version 2.01 to distinguish from the original production version 2.0 data files. Only the files that have restored data are tagged 2.01, all other files, including those from October 4, 2016 and beyond, are tagged 2.0. The following file gives a list of dates and orbits which contain restored events: Orbits with restored events CO2 data is now available to the public in the form of daily NetCDF files via ftp at ftp://saber.gats-inc.com/Version2_0/Level2C/ We are currently processing V2.0 data and it will be available on the FTP server as it processed & validated. V1.07 is processed through January 2013. The custom data tool will allow you to choose V1.07 or V2.0 data. For more information on the V1.07 data processing and V2.0 processing please follow these links: V1.07 Data Processing Information V2.0 Data Processing Information V2.0 Improvements The following routines are IDL routines that can be used to create an ASCII file from SABER netCDF files. Please read the 'readme' file below for information on how to use the files. Please note that these routines may not be compatible with newer versions of IDL. Driver routine Convert routine Read routine readme The read routine was created by Tom Woods and is available from LASP. For your convenience we have created a custom data set containing just O3 and temperature. The set currently covers January 2002 - January 2013 for V1.07 data and January 2002 - February 2015 for V2.0 data. Each file is divided by month instead of orbit. The size of this data set is currently 86GB (v1.07) or 89GB(v2.0) which decreases the size by a factor of 5 over the Level2A source files. The data can be found at ftp://saber.gats-inc.com/custom/Temp_O3/ WARNING: The SABER dataset is extremely large! Size and download for 1 Day (15 orbits) Data Type Approx. Size Min Download Level 2A 94MB 11 min. Level 2B 140 MB 18 min. Actual download times are likely to be much longer, because of heavy traffic and other factors beyond our control. We routinely serve data to hundreds of connections at any given time. Downloading the full 12 years of Level 2A data could take well over a month of uninterrupted transfer time. We provide two other, preferred methods for acquiring these data: 1) Custom Data Tool. The custom data tool (link provided above) allows you to select only the parameters you want, greatly reducing the data volume. 2) We'll mail you a disk. Upon request, we will load the complete dataset onto a hard drive and ship it to you. You simply extract the data and send us back the disk! Please contact us at saber@gats-inc.com for details on shipping costs and time.