One Minute Averages
One minute averages of the WAVES RAD1, RAD2, and TNR receivers are available. All of the files are in idl 'save' format and in ASCII (compressed) and are named in the form YYYYMMDD.RCVR where RCVR is R1, R2 or tnr (i.e. 19981025.R1 or R2 or tnr for RAD1, RAD2, or tnr for October 25, 1998). For RAD1, see the warning a couple of paragraphs below.
For the rads, files are arrays that are 1441 X 256 -- 256 for the channels (and yes I already do the interpolation for times when we're in LIST mode), and 1440 for every minute of the day with position 1441 reserved for the background values (and there are only background entries for 'real' channels -- i.e. those that the receiver actually samples rather than interpolated frequencies). For the tnr I have daily arrays that are 1441 X 96 (no interpolation here). All values are in terms of ratio to background and the background values are listed in position 1441 in microvolts per root Hz.
For RAD1 and RAD2, there are also daily dynamic spectra plotted in four six-hour long strips. These are available as pdf files (e.g. RADx Adobe pdf files). Be forewarned that for the RAD1 plots, artifacts exist below about 150 kHz created by IDL and due to the fact that often there is not a sample every 1 minute at these low frequencies. These artifacts appear as picket fences in the dynamic spectra.
So much for documentation. With IDL, one can 'restore' these files and plot a dynamic spectrum in a matter of seconds -- I have a dynamic spectrum program (x wavesds) that will plot rad or tnr dynamic spectra for anything from 1 minute to 30 days. Click on the 'IDL programs' button on the WAVES Web page (left panel). For those interested in the ASCII form, the format used to write the files is: 1440(1x,f8.3),1e10.3