Message-Id: <> Date: Thu, 3 Apr 2003 13:24:33 -0500 (EST) From: "N. Gopalswamy" Reply-To: "N. Gopalswamy" Subject: changes to sira_workshop page To: Cc: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-MD5: QYBe5uxB8h1sPCOaaruoaA== X-Mailer: dtmail 1.3.0 @(#)CDE Version 1.4.6_06 SunOS 5.8 sun4u sparc Roger: Please put the second announcement on the front page (except for the graphics). The current front page should go under a link, 'First Announcement' Thanks. Gopal =============================================================================== Solar Imaging Radio Array (SIRA) Workshop -- Second Announcement ----------------------------------------------------------------- (May 13-14, 2003) CSC - Greentech IV Auditorium, 7700 Hubble Dr., Lanham, MD 20706 You are invited to participate in the first SIRA workshop on solar and astronomical imaging observations at long radio wavelenths. The purpose of the workshop is to define the science that will be done with SIRA, an interferometric array in space that will image the Sun, solar eruptions and astrophysical objects at frequencies less than ~15 MHz. Such frequencies cannot be observed through the ionosphere. The array will consist of 16 microsats with dipole antennas in an orbit sufficiently far away to avoid terrestrial radio emission. Formation flying with space-based interferometry at long wavelengths is the next logical step to image the disturbances in the Sun-Earth connected system. The science to be addressed by SIRA includes (1) Sun-to-Earth imaging of geoeffective coronal mass ejections and shocks, (2) imaging of large-scale structures such as coronal streamers and holes, (3) spectral imaging of radio emission from electron beams that can outline the structure of the inner heliosphere, (4) imaging galactic and extragalactic radio sources and producing the first full-sky maps at long wavelengths, and (v) magnetospheric imaging. The array will be able produce daily images, event images and other space weather data products available to various scientific communities. Arrangements for the SIRA workshop are under way. Scientific discussions on all aspects of the SIRA concept will be held. The scientific sessions will primarily consist of invited talks with ample time for discussion. All participants are encouraged to participate in the discussions. A limited number of posters relevant to the SIRA concept will be on display. If you are interested in presenting a poster, please contact one of the organizers as soon as possible. Invited Speakers (* - to be confirmed): M. Aschwanden (Lockheed) N. Duric (UNM) D. Gary (NJIT) *W. Erickson (U. Tasmania) *D. Folta (GSFC) N. Gopalswamy (GSFC) J. Green (GSFC) D. Jones (JPL) A. Kerdraon (Paris) N. Kassim (NRL) *S. Krucker (UCB) M. Kundu (UMD) *P. Lantos (Paris) D. Maia (U. Portugal) D. Oberoi (MIT) *D. Odstrcil (NOAA) M. J. Reiner(CUA) B. J. Rickett (UCSD) E. J. Schmahl (UMD) K. Shibasaki (NoRH) Discussion group leaders S. Bale (UCB) G. Hurford (UCB) R. MacDowall (GSFC) If you have not already registered, please do so on the web site ( Details on the SIRA mission can be found on You will find directions to the workshop venue, hotels and other information on logistics. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact one of the organizers. Ample time will be scheduled for discussion after each presentation. We encourage you to bring your talk as an electronic file, because we are planning to post them on the SIRA page as an electronic collection. Lap top projectors and view graph machines will be available. Hope to hear from you soon, With best regards, Nat Gopalswamy & Dayton Jones SOC co-chairs Scientific Organizing Committee Local Organizing Committee ------------------------------- --------------------------- Nat Gopalswamy (GSFC, Co-chair) M. L. Kaiser (GSFC) Dayton Jones (JPL, Co-chair) R. J. MacDowall (GSFC, Chair) K. Weiler (NRL) Ana Rosas (CUA/GSFC) Gordon Hurford (UC Berkeley) S. Yashiro (CUA/GSFC) Edward J. Schmahl (UMCP) Nat Gopalswamy (GSFC) J.-L. Bougeret (Paris Observatory) M. Aschwanden (Lockheed) M. J. Reiner(CUA/GSFC) K. Shibasaki (Nobeyama Radioheliograph) M. L. Kaiser (GSFC) R. J. MacDowall (GSFC) S. D. Bale (UC Berkeley) ================================================================================