About STEREO ASCII merged data STEREO-A and -B data are from the magnetometer of the IMPACT package and from the PLASTIC plasma detector. Principal Investigators for these packages are Janet Luhmann (UCB) and Antoinette Galvin (UNH), respectively. Magnetic field data were obtained as 1-min averages from the GSFC web site at https://cdaweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/ (STA_L2_MAGPLASMA_1M data set) COHOWeb's magnetic field hourly averages were created by averaging these 1-min data falling within each hour. Hourly plasma parameter data, were obtained from UNH via https://stereo-ssc.nascom.nasa.gov/data/ins_data/plastic/level2/Protons/Derived_from_1D_Maxwellian/ASCII/1hr/A/. Hourly fluxes data were obtained from Caltech via http://www.srl.caltech.edu/STEREO/DATA/ Name of parameters in each of ASCII records ( 37 words): Year DOY Hour Radial Distance, AU HGI Lat. of the S/C HGI Long. of the S/C IMF BR, nT (RTN) IMF BT, nT (RTN) IMF BN, nT (RTN) IMF B Scalar, nT SW Plasma Speed, km/s SW Lat. Angle RTN, deg. SW Long. Angle RTN, deg. SW Plasma Density, N/cm^3 SW Plasma Temperature, K 1.8-3.6 MeV H flux,LET 4.0-6.0 MeV H flux,LET 6.0-10.0 MeV H flux, LET 10.0-12.0 MeV H flux,LET 13.6-15.1 MeV H flux, HET 14.9-17.1 MeV H flux, HET 17.0-19.3 MeV H flux, HET 20.8-23.8 MeV H flux, HET 23.8-26.4 MeV H flux, HET 26.3-29.7 MeV H flux, HET 29.5-33.4 MeV H flux, HET 33.4-35.8 MeV H flux, HET 35.5-40.5 MeV H flux, HET 40.0-60.0 MeV H flux, HET 60.0-100.0 MeV H flux, HET 0.320-0.452 MeV H flux, SIT 0.452-0.64 MeV H flux, SIT 0.640-0.905 MeV H flux, SIT 0.905-1.28 MeV H flux, SIT 1.280-1.81 MeV H flux, SIT 1.810-2.56 MeV H flux, SIT 2.560-3.62 MeV H flux, SIT ------------------------- Note that for missing data, fill values consisting of a blank followed by 9's which together constitute the format are used ------------------------------- For browse and retrieval that data with different kind of functionalities: see http://omniweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/coho/ ------------------------------------------------------------ Related data and directories: SPDF Data and Orbits Services ------------------------------------------------------------------- SPDF Contact: Natalia Papitashvili ------------------------------------------------------------- Please acknowledge NASA's Space Physics Data Facility and and relevant scientists identified above for data usage. -------------------------------------------------------- Authorizing NASA Official: Dr. R.E. McGuire, Head, SPDF, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center 301-286-7794, e-mail: Robert.E.McGuire@nasa.gov ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------