Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) Comprehensive Suprathermal and Energetic Particle Analyzer (COSTEP) Electron Proton Helium Instrument (EPHIN) Level-3 Intensities 5-minute Data
Data Directory:
This directory contains CDF files with the COSTEP-EPHIN Level-3 intensities 5-minute data, including status flag, proton intensities with systematic and statistical uncertainties in 4 energy ranges (4.3-7.8, 7.8-25, 25-40.9, 40.9-53 MeV), and He intensities with systematic and statistical uncertainties in 4 energy ranges (4.3-7.8, 7.8-25, 25-40.9, 40.9-53 MeV/n), created from the original ASCII files at .
Description of the COSTEP-EPHIN instrument and scientific scope can be found on the COSTEP homepage and on the SOHO homepage . Documentation of the COSTEP-EPHIN Level3 data product, including energy ranges of Level3 channels and status flag description (see Section 5), is available at .
Copies of the original ASCII files and a copy of DOCUMENTATION-COSTEP-EPHIN-L3-20220201.pdf are also archived at SPDF at .
Please acknowledge the NASA Space Physics Data Facility and the instrument's Principal Investigator for data usage.
Keywords: Sun-Earth Connections, Solar Physics, Heliospheric Physics, Space Physics
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