A description of these Skylab SO-52 whitelight coronagraph FITS images, as originally posted at UCAR/HAO, is located at http://spdf.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/data/skylab/whitelight_coronagraph/documents/ Skylab_S052_info_HAOweb.pdf. An article describing the experiment is located at http://spdf.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/data/skylab/whitelight_coronagraph/documents/ MacQueenEtAl_Skylab.pdf. A listing of the files is located at http://spdf.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/data/skylab/whitelight_coronagraph/documents/ listing_of_available_files.txt. The assistance of Dr. O.C. St. Cyr at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center is gratefully acknowledged in supplying SPDF with a copy of these data. This 00readme was created 11/22/2013 by R.E. McGuire.