Use of the executable "decipher_s055" Returns 7 files per tape file "s055image" Content of s055image_load: list of the numbers of data (read) of every kind Content of s055image_line: 12 columns of values 11 lines correspond to one line by one detector + 6 at beginning + 6 at end OFF detectors are flagged by 132 values of 16384 missing data are flagged by 32767 Structure: line 1 of detector 1 line 1 of det 2 line 1 of det 3 line 1 of det 4 line 1 of det 5 line 1 of det 6 line 1 of det 7 line 2 of det 1 line 2 of det 2 ... Content of s055image_rast: no distinction between rasters, but one image consists of 132x60 values these values follow exactly the order of the fiche one record = one quarter of one image Structure: lines 1> 60 = 1st raster = ( 1>15)x(132>1) of image 1 lines 61>120 = 2nd raster = (16>30)x(132>1) of image 1 lines 121>160 = 3rd raster = (31>45)x(132>1) of image 1 lines 161>240 = 4th raster = (46>60)x(132>1) of image 1 lines 241>300 = 5th raster = ( 1>15)x(132>1) of image 2 ... detectors OFF do not return any raster ! => no fixed length Content of s055image_spec: 12 columns of values 2 lines (=24 values) per second there are 2004 values (167 lines) per spectrum (as indicated in the ID record) Blanks are filled either with zeroes or 32767s several spectrum on different detectors will be as followed: values of det1 values of det2 values of det3 etc detectors OFF are ignored (do not return any spectrum) Content of s055image_id: 19431 17 53 1973 194 56566215 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 3 121 0 19431 = word 1 = tape number 17 = word 2 = file number 53 = word 3 = site code (MSFC) or SL#*10^5+DLC (JSC) 1973 = word 4 = year 194 = word 5 = DOY 56566215 = word 6 = GMT start in millisec 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 = words 7>13 = detectors ON/OFF 0 = word 14 = storage mode (0=S 1=r 2=L 3=R) 21 = word 15 = total # of Eng1 + Eng2 records 3 = word 16 = total # of scientific records 121 = word 17 = pointer of starting point of the data 0 = word 18 = unused Content of s055image_idst: 19431/017 194:15:42:46.215|121 1______ 3+18E,3S Carnarvon 19431/ = word 1 = tape number /017 = word 2 = file number 194:15:42:46.215| = word 5+6 = DOY:HH:mm:SS:fff (fff=millisec) |121 = word 17 = pointer of starting point of the data 1______ = words 7>13 = detectors ON/OFF 3+18E, ~ word 15 = total # of Eng1 + Eng2 records ,3S = word 16+14 = total # of scientific data and storage mode (S L R or r) Carnarvon = word 3 = site (MSFC) or SL# + DLC Content of s055image_eng1: 56561215 72 -31 25 60 11214 3154 3035 14277 5388 1 0 1 word 1: 56561215 = GMT in millisec of each chunk of data (checked every second) word 2: 72 = GAMY = Fine Sun Sensor Y deplacement (arc-sec) from center of sun -31 = GAMX = FSS X deplacement (arc-sec) from center of sun 25 = LRBIA = X-bias for S082 from FFS 60 = UDBIA = Y-bias for S082 from FFS word 3: 11214 = time modulo 30 000 (millisec) 3154 = 100*XPOS = X position on the grid 3035 = 100*YPOS = Y position on the grid ? 14277 = GAMRR = roll of cannister word 4: 5388 = GRTPOS = grating steps (one step~0.21A) 1 = GRAT = grating code (0=STP, 1=GAS, 2=G3S, 3=REF, 4=SS) 0 = MIRR = mirror code (0=STP, 1=M3R, 2=MLS, 3=MAR) 1 = REFSEL = reference (0=mechanical, 1=optical) Content of s055image_eng2: 56561631 0 0 1 56561631 = time of each data 0 = OPTREF = optical reference hit (1) or not(0) 0 = End of Line or Raster (passes from 1 to 0 when line is finished) 1 = MCHREF = mechanical reference hit (1) or not(0)