San Marco Ion Velocity Instrument (IVI) Data NSSDC-ID: 88-026A-03A This data set includes the data from the Retarding Potential Analyzer and Ion Drift Meter instruments that constituted the San Marco Ion Velocitiy Investigation (IVI). The data were submitted by the PI team in ASCII format with SFDU Voldesc and Format description files. The data are provided as monthly files. Each data record contains the following parameters deduced from the IVI measurements: ion temperature, spacecraft potential, vertical and horizontal component of the ion velocity, total ion density, H+ ion density, O+ ion density, and the density of molecular ions. In addition the following parameters are included with each record: date, time, dip latitude, altitude, geographic longitude and latitude, solar local time, and solar zenith angle. The time resolution is approximately 10 seconds. The data have been screened for errors due to lack of appropriate vehicle orientation information or to failure of the least-squares analysis routine. More information about the satellite mission, the IVI experiment and the format of the data can be found in the voldesc and format files. Both files are ASCII text files. Further details about the San Marco spacecraft, experiment, and data sets can be found at the San Marco home pages (NSSDC) (Italy) Acknowledgement: Use of these data in publications should be accompanied at minimum by acknowledgements of the National Space Science Data Center and the responsible Principal Investigator., Feb 12, 2001