This directory provides access to the following files: vb_asp-8.dat - data on particles measured with the instrument ASP-8 on the spacecraft VENERA-11 + its trajectory in HGI system; vb_asp-8.gif - overview plots; vb_descr.txt - detailed documentation; vb_coord.trj - trajectory of VENERA-11 in two coordinate systems. Subdirectory /lownoise contains the same measured data as the file vb_asp-8.dat but in its extra-rectified variant. See general explanations in low_noise.txt. Common important information on all data sets from TASPD SINP MSU, is placed in the file common_info.txt in upper-level directory. TASPD contact person: Dr. Nick Pavlov ( ------------------------------------------------------------------ Acknowledgement: Use of these data in publications should be accompanied by acknowledgements of the Space Physics Data Facility(SPDF)and TASPD SINP (Moscow) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Related data and directories: SPDF Data and Orbits Services -------------- SPDF Contact: Natalia Papitashvili Please acknowledge NASA's Space Physics Data Facility for data usage. Authorizing NASA Official: Dr. R.E. McGuire, Head, SPDF, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center 301-286-7794, e-mail: -----------------------------------------------------------------------