This directory provides access to the following files: gX_YY.dat - data on particles measured with the instrument KS-18-M on the spacecraft GRANAT in the year YY + geographic coordinates of the spacecraft. X is a number of a group of parameters. The groups are organized just to reflect the various data timing modes; gr_YY.gif - one-year overview plots prepared for the years referred by YY. Subdirectory /lownoise contains several files in their extra-rectified variant. General explanations on the additional rectification are given in the file low_noise.txt in root directory. File-descriptor gr_descr.txt is placed to the upper-level directory. A criterion of excluding the data relevant to the radiation belts from this directory is L<~15. Common important information on all data sets from TASPD SINP MSU, is placed in the file common_info.txt in upper-level directory. TASPD contact person: Dr. Nick Pavlov ( SPDF Contact: Natalia Papitashvili