KPL/FK RBSPA Spacecraft Frame Definitions Kernel =========================================================================== This frame kernel contains the RBSPA spacecraft, science, instrument, and communication antennae frame definitions. Version and Date --------------------------------------------------------------- The TEXT_KERNEL_ID stores version information of loaded project text kernels. Each entry associated with the keyword is a string that consists of four parts: the kernel name, version, entry date, and type. For example, the frame kernel might have an entry as follows: TEXT_KERNEL_ID += 'RBSPA_FRAMES V0.3.0 22-FEB-2012 FK' | | | | | | | | KERNEL NAME <-------+ | | | | | V VERSION <-------+ | KERNEL TYPE | V ENTRY DATE RBSPA Frame Kernel Version: \begindata TEXT_KERNEL_ID += 'RBSPA_FRAMES V0.3.0 30-JAN-2013 FK' \begintext Version 0.3.0 -- January 30, 2013 -- Grant Stephens Finalized release for RBSPICE frames Version 0.2.0 -- January 23, 2012 -- Grant Stephens Finalized NAIF ID codes. Version 0.1.0 -- June 15, 2011 -- Grant Stephens Added RPS frames and added more documentation Version 0.0.0 -- July 28, 2010 -- Grant Stephens Initial prototype release to support C-kernel creation and utilization. Nominal alignments are used. References --------------------------------------------------------------- 1. "C-kernel Required Reading" 2. "Kernel Pool Required Reading" 3. "Frames Required Reading" 4. "RBSP G&C Coordinate Systems, Component Alignments and Naming Conventions", R. M. Vaughan 5. Interface Control Document (ICD) for the RPS Instrument 6. Interface Control Document (ICD) for the RBSPICE Instrument 7. frame kernel 8. "RBSPICE SOC CDR" Fundamental Technologies Contact Information --------------------------------------------------------------- Direct questions, comments, or concerns about the contents of this kernel to: Grant Stephens, JHUAPL/SIS, (443)778-3584, or Scott Turner, JHUAPL/SIS, (443)778-1693, Implementation Notes --------------------------------------------------------------- This file is used by the SPICE system as follows: programs that make use of this frame kernel must "load" the kernel normally during program initialization. Loading the kernel associates the data items with their names in a data structure called the "kernel pool". The SPICELIB routine FURNSH loads a kernel into the pool as shown below: FORTRAN: (SPICELIB) CALL FURNSH ( frame_kernel_name ) C: (CSPICE) furnsh_c ( frame_kernel_name ); IDL: (ICY) cspice_furnsh, frame_kernel_name MATLAB: (MICY) cspice_furnsh( frame_kernel_name ) In order for a program or routine to extract data from the pool, the SPICELIB routines GDPOOL, GIPOOL, and GCPOOL are used. See [2] for more details. This file was created and may be updated with a text editor or word processor. RBSPA Frames --------------------------------------------------------------- The following RBSPA frames are defined in this kernel file: Spacecraft and related frames are given the -3620xx ranges. The -3629xx id ranges are reserved for dynamic frames, which are not defined in this kernel, but are defined in [7]. -3621xx are reserved for spacecraft systems frames, such as Antenna frames and sun sensor frames. -3624xx to -3628xx are reserved for each of the instruments/instrument suites. Each instrument is allocated 100 spots. The remaining spots (-3622xx and -3623xx) are not currently being utilized, and have been saved in case they are needed at a later date. Frame Name Relative To Type NAIF ID ======================= =================== ======= ======= Spacecraft Frames (-3620xx): ------------------ RBSPA_SPACECRAFT J2000 CK -362000 Science Frames (-3620xx): --------------- RBSPA_SCIENCE RBSPA_SPACECRAFT FIXED -362050 Antenna Frames (-3621xx): --------------- RBSPA_ANT_POSZ RBSPA_SPACECRAFT FIXED -362110 RBSPA_ANT_NEGZ RBSPA_SPACECRAFT FIXED -362120 SSH Frames (-3621xx): --------------- RBSPA_SSH_A RBSPA_SPACECRAFT FIXED -362150 RBSPA_SSH_B RBSPA_SPACECRAFT FIXED -362160 ECT Frames (-3624xx): --------------- EMFISIS Frames (-3625xx): --------------- EFW Frames (-3626xx): --------------- RBSPICE Frames (-3627xx): --------------- RBSPA_RBSPICE RBSPA_SPACECRAFT FIXED -362700 RBSPA_RBSPICE_T0 RBSPA_RBSPICE FIXED -362710 RBSPA_RBSPICE_T1 RBSPA_RBSPICE FIXED -362720 RBSPA_RBSPICE_T2 RBSPA_RBSPICE FIXED -362730 RBSPA_RBSPICE_T3 RBSPA_RBSPICE FIXED -362740 RBSPA_RBSPICE_T4 RBSPA_RBSPICE FIXED -362750 RBSPA_RBSPICE_T5 RBSPA_RBSPICE FIXED -362760 RPS Frames (-3628xx): --------------- RBSPA_RPS RBSPA_SPACECRAFT FIXED -362800 RBSP_A Frames Hierarchy --------------------------------------------------------------- This diagram is subject to major revisions as this kernel evolves to suit the needs of each instrument. The articulating frames referenced in this kernel are not required to follow the paths outlined in the hierarchy below, however; the presentation indicates the expected, or nominal, production path. The diagram below illustrates the RBSPA frame hierarchy: 'J2000' | |<--- ck | 'RBSPA_SPACECRAFT' | ____ 'RBSPA_SCIENCE' | | | 'RBSPA_ANT_POSZ' | | | 'RBSPA_ANT_NEGZ' |-SC Frames | | 'RBSPA_SSH_A' | | | 'RBSPA_SSH_B' | | ____| | | ____ 'RBSPA_RPS' | | | 'RBSPA_RBSPICE' | | | 'RBSPA_RBSPICE_T0' | | | 'RBSPA_RBSPICE_T1' |-Instrument Frames | | 'RBSPA_RBSPICE_T2' | | | 'RBSPA_RBSPICE_T3' | | | 'RBSPA_RBSPICE_T4' | | | 'RBSPA_RBSPICE_T5' | ____| Spacecraft Frame Definitions (-3620xx) --------------------------------------------------------------- From [4]: +Y /|\ | +Z |EMFISIS boom 1 _ J (MAG is located |\'-. | at the end) | \ |```---...__ \ | | | \ J__ J | \ | ```|''---J \ | | | \ ```---|..__ | /```---J..__ / \ | \ |'''---... / \ | \ | | || .--J-. \ J | || / \ | \ ||'''---... | J JJ | |__ | || | | | | || \ /```````JJ''---|.._ | ```---...|| `---'` || J J ```''----->+X \\ || | | \\ / \`|`---...| \\ / \! \ ```---...___/ / |```---...__ \ / | | |_\/ J J | | | J | | | ```--J...___| | |EMFISIS boom 2 (MSC is located at the end) A schematic showing the RPSPA spacecraft including the solar panels and the definition of the Spacecraft Frame. From [4]: The +Y axis is aligned with center line of the solar array that supports the EMFISIS boom carrying the flux-gate magnetometer (MAG). The –Y axis is aligned with the deployed EMFISIS boom carrying the magnetic search coil (MSC). The X-Y plane is parallel with the launch adapter interfaces of each spacecraft. The Z axis is normal to this plane and is the longitudinal axis of the central structure, passing through the center of the inner cylinder which houses the axial booms for the Electric Fields and Waves Investigation (EFW) instrument. The X axis completes a right-handed orthogonal set of axes. In this frame, the X and Y axes are parallel with lines passing through the center for the four solar panels and extending radially outward from the center of the spacecraft. \begindata FRAME_RBSPA_SPACECRAFT = -362000 FRAME_-362000_NAME = 'RBSPA_SPACECRAFT' FRAME_-362000_CLASS = 3 FRAME_-362000_CLASS_ID = -362000 FRAME_-362000_CENTER = -362 CK_-362000_SCLK = -362 CK_-362000_SPK = -362 \begintext Science (U-V-W) Frame Definitions --------------------------------------------------------------- From [4]: |____ o o . ' |\' . 35 .` 55 . ' | \ ' . .` ' | ' .` ' ________|_______ ' .` ' | | | ' .`___ . ' | | | .`\ . ` . | ' | | | .` \ ' o ` . |.___ | | | .` ' 55 o . '` . | | | .` ' 35 . ` . |________|_______|.` ' ' ` . .------|-----..` ' ' _______________` . / | \ ______________ ' ' | | / .-`|-. \ | | ' \|/ | | | / +Z| \ | | | | -------|---------------|-|-----|----O---|-----|-|--------------|--------> +Y | | | | \ | / | | | /|\(Space- ' | | \ `-.|-` / | | craft) ' '_______________' \ | / ` .______________` ' o ' .``------|-----` ` . . 35 ` EFW Boom .` ________|_______ ` . o ` #1-->.` | | | EFW Boom-->` . ' 55 ' .` | | | #3 _`_. / ' .` | | | /|` . ' | .` | | | . | ` .| ---`.` | | | -- .` ' |________|_______| ' +Y .` ' | . (Science) |.` ' | . o |-- o ' . | . ' 55 +X 35 ' . _\|_ . - ' (Science) /| | \|/ +X (Spacecraft) +Z is out of the page A schematic showing the RPSPA spacecraft including the solar panels and the definition of the Science Frame. From [4]: Another key coordinate system defined in Mission Requirements Document for use with RBSP science data processing and modeling is the Science Coordinate System. The +X axis of this system is aligned with the nominal deployed position of the EFW spin plane boom #1, the +Y axis is aligned with the nominal deployed position of EFW spin plane boom #3, and the +Z axis is aligned with the nominal deployed position of EFW axial boom #5. By definition, the +Z axis is also aligned with the +Z axis of the spacecraft body frame. The origin of the science coordinate system lies in the plane of the EFW spin plane booms at the intersection point of the EFW Axial Boom (AXB) deployment axis. \begindata FRAME_RBSPA_SCIENCE = -362050 FRAME_-362050_NAME = 'RBSPA_SCIENCE' FRAME_-362050_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-362050_CLASS_ID = -362050 FRAME_-362050_CENTER = -362 TKFRAME_-362050_RELATIVE = 'RBSPA_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-362050_SPEC = 'MATRIX' TKFRAME_-362050_MATRIX = ( 0.819152044288991789 -0.573576436351046096 0.0 0.573576436351046096 0.819152044288991789 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 ) \begintext Antenna Frames Definitions --------------------------------------------------------------- From [4]: Each RBSP spacecraft carries two antennas to provide communications with ground stations on Earth. Each antenna is a conical bifilar helix design using an S-band signal that is circularly polarized. One antenna is mounted on the top deck and the other is mounted on the bottom deck of the spacecraft. They are mounted such that their boresights are nominally aligned with the spacecraft +Z or – Z axis. The other two axis are arbitrary, the positive antenna frame is the same as the spacecraft frame. The negative antenna frame points +X toward the spacecraft +X and +Y toward the spacecraft -Y. \begindata FRAME_RBSPA_ANT_POSZ = -362110 FRAME_-362110_NAME = 'RBSPA_ANT_POSZ' FRAME_-362110_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-362110_CLASS_ID = -362110 FRAME_-362110_CENTER = -362 TKFRAME_-362110_RELATIVE = 'RBSPA_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-362110_SPEC = 'MATRIX' TKFRAME_-362110_MATRIX = ( 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 ) \begintext \begindata FRAME_RBSPA_ANT_NEGZ = -362120 FRAME_-362120_NAME = 'RBSPA_ANT_NEGZ' FRAME_-362120_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-362120_CLASS_ID = -362120 FRAME_-362120_CENTER = -362 TKFRAME_-362120_RELATIVE = 'RBSPA_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-362120_SPEC = 'MATRIX' TKFRAME_-362120_MATRIX = ( 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -1.0 ) \begintext SSH Frames Frames Definitions --------------------------------------------------------------- From [4]: Each RBSP spacecraft carries a Sun Sensor (SS) system. The system consists of two Sun Sensor Heads (SSHs). The two SSHs are attached to opposite side panels of the spacecraft near the top deck so that they look out between two of the solar panels. The heads provide a Sun offset angle from a reference axis that is nominally aligned with the spacecraft +Z axis when the Sun crosses through their respective fields-of-view; two measurements (one per head) per spin should be obtained during nominal operation [5,6]. The SSH mounted to panel #4 in the +X -Y quadrant of the spacecraft frame is named “SSH A” and the SSH mounted to panel #0 in the -X +Y quadrant is named “SSH B”. The SSHs look radially outward in a plane that is perpendicular to the spacecraft XY plane and makes an angle of 45 degrees from the spacecraft XZ plane. +Y (spacecraft) /|\ | | | +X (SSH B) | +Y (SSH A) .__ | __. |', | ,'| ', o | ,' ', 45 | ,' ', | ,' o ', | ,' 45 ,O'----------------------------> +X (spacecraft) ,' ', ,' ', ,' ', | ,' ', | |.'__ __'.| +Y (SSH B) +X (SSH A) \begindata FRAME_RBSPA_SSH_A = -362150 FRAME_-362150_NAME = 'RBSPA_SSH_A' FRAME_-362150_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-362150_CLASS_ID = -362150 FRAME_-362150_CENTER = -362 TKFRAME_-362150_RELATIVE = 'RBSPA_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-362150_SPEC = 'MATRIX' TKFRAME_-362150_MATRIX = ( 0.707106781186547524 -0.707106781186547524 0.0 0.707106781186547524 0.707106781186547524 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 ) \begintext \begindata FRAME_RBSPA_SSH_B = -362160 FRAME_-362160_NAME = 'RBSPA_SSH_B' FRAME_-362160_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-362160_CLASS_ID = -362160 FRAME_-362160_CENTER = -362 TKFRAME_-362160_RELATIVE = 'RBSPA_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-362160_SPEC = 'MATRIX' TKFRAME_-362160_MATRIX = (-0.707106781186547524 0.707106781186547524 0.0 -0.707106781186547524 -0.707106781186547524 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 ) \begintext RBSPICE Frame Definitions --------------------------------------------------------------- The RBSPICE instrument is a disk in the shape of a Hockey Puck with a 160 degree Field-of-View, where the total field of view of the instrument is composed of the 6 individual field-of-views. The total instrument FOV center is defined as a frame, where the +Z axis points along this vector. Each sub-FOV is also given a frame definition defined from the parent. Firstly, the entire instrument frame will be defined, then each of the sub-frames will be defined. Whole Instrument Frame: According to [6], the RBSPICE instrument is mounted on the underside of the spacecraft (oppisite side of the solar panels). It is mounted between the spacecraft +Y and the spacecraft -X axis, or a 135 degree rotation about the spacecraft frame. The center of the FOV (Boresight), is also tilted 16.9 degrees away from the spaceraft body, so it is not quite aligned with the spacecraft x-y plane. The two figures below display this. The +X axis was choosen to point along the long axis of the FOV, toward the spacecraft, meaning the +X axis is 16.9 degrees off of the spacecraft +Z axis. +Y completes the frame and is parallel in the spacecraft x-y plane. View from underneath (opposite solar panels): +X (Spacecraft) /|\ | .-------------|-------------. / | \ / | \ / | \ / | \ | _.-""|""-._ | | .' | `. | | / | \ | | | +Z (Spacecraft) | -----------|------------|--------x--------|------------|-------> +Y | | | | | (Spacecraft) | \ | / RBSPICE | /|\ | `._ | _.` | | | | `-..|..-` \|/ | ' \ | /`-. / ' o \ | / `/ ' 45 +Y \ | `-. /, ' __.(RBSPICE) \ | / '-,/ /| `-------------|-------------` '-, / | '-,/ '-, '-,| --'+Z (RBSPICE) View from the side: Solar Panels __________________________|___________________________======================== | | | | | | | | __,+X (RBSPICE) | | | | /| | | | | / ,' | | | | / ,' o |_______________|_______________|_______________| / ,' 80 |___________________| __/,' |_________|_________| .' ,'`. spacecraft x-y Plane RBSPICE--->| .---|---------------o (Mounting Bracket `.|_.' ""--..__ 16.9 Not Shown ) .' ""-->+Z | o (RBSPICE) .' 80 | o ' 160 Total FOV Zoom in of RBSPICE from above, rotated to RBSPICE Frame. +X (RBSPICE) /|\ o | 10 __ |xxxx| |', |xxx.' ', |xxx| Space- |xx.' craft __|__| Spacecraft +Z .-' | .'-. x-y plane __..--"" .' | | `. __..--"" o / |.' \ __..--"" 16.9 ; || ,..--"; | +Y o--------|-------------------> +Z (RBSPICE) ;(RBSPICE)| ; \ |'. / `. | | .' `-.__|_'.-` |xx| |xx'. |xxx| |xxx'. |xxxx| | o 10 \begindata FRAME_RBSPA_RBSPICE = -362700 FRAME_-362700_NAME = 'RBSPA_RBSPICE' FRAME_-362700_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-362700_CLASS_ID = -362700 FRAME_-362700_CENTER = -362 TKFRAME_-362700_RELATIVE = 'RBSPA_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-362700_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-362700_ANGLES = ( 90.0, 45.0, 16.9 ) TKFRAME_-362700_AXES = ( 2, 1, 2 ) TKFRAME_-362700_UNITS = 'DEGREES' \begintext Sub Instrument (Telescope) Frames: The instrument is composed of 6 separate telescopes, each with its own FOV. The whole detector's 160 degree FOV is evenly split between each of the sub FOVs. There is also a 2 degree gap between each telescope's FOV. Therefore, each telescope has a 25 degree FOV. Every telescope is given its own frame, where the +Z axis points down the center of the FOV. Each of these frames is defined off the main RBSPICE frame by a rotation about +Y. Thus, the primary frame along with the sub-frames all share the same Y axis. According to [8] the T5 look direction should be closest to the sunward spin axis direction, and the T0 direction should include the anti-sunward spin axis direction. View from the side: +X (RBSPICE) /|\ o | 10 o |XXXX| 25 |XXX.' |XXX| 5 o |XX.' ,' 25 __|__| ,' .-' | .'-. ,' 4 .' | | `.' __..-- o / |.' ,' \ __..--"" 25 ; || ,..--"; 3 | +Y o--------|-------------------> +Z (RBSPICE) ;(RBSPICE)| ',""-;..__ 2 o \ |'. ',/ ""--..__ 25 `. | | .'', "" `-.__|_'.-` ', 1 |XX| ', o |XX'. ', 25 |XXX| 0 |XXX'. o |XXXX| 25 | o 10 \begindata FRAME_RBSPA_RBSPICE_T0 = -362710 FRAME_-362710_NAME = 'RBSPA_RBSPICE_T0' FRAME_-362710_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-362710_CLASS_ID = -362710 FRAME_-362710_CENTER = -362 TKFRAME_-362710_RELATIVE = 'RBSPA_RBSPICE' TKFRAME_-362710_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-362710_ANGLES = ( 67.5, 0.0, 0.0 ) TKFRAME_-362710_AXES = ( 2, 1, 2 ) TKFRAME_-362710_UNITS = 'DEGREES' \begintext \begindata FRAME_RBSPA_RBSPICE_T1 = -362720 FRAME_-362720_NAME = 'RBSPA_RBSPICE_T1' FRAME_-362720_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-362720_CLASS_ID = -362720 FRAME_-362720_CENTER = -362 TKFRAME_-362720_RELATIVE = 'RBSPA_RBSPICE' TKFRAME_-362720_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-362720_ANGLES = ( 40.5, 0.0, 0.0 ) TKFRAME_-362720_AXES = ( 2, 1, 2 ) TKFRAME_-362720_UNITS = 'DEGREES' \begintext \begindata FRAME_RBSPA_RBSPICE_T2 = -362730 FRAME_-362730_NAME = 'RBSPA_RBSPICE_T2' FRAME_-362730_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-362730_CLASS_ID = -362730 FRAME_-362730_CENTER = -362 TKFRAME_-362730_RELATIVE = 'RBSPA_RBSPICE' TKFRAME_-362730_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-362730_ANGLES = ( 13.5, 0.0, 0.0 ) TKFRAME_-362730_AXES = ( 2, 1, 2 ) TKFRAME_-362730_UNITS = 'DEGREES' \begintext \begindata FRAME_RBSPA_RBSPICE_T3 = -362740 FRAME_-362740_NAME = 'RBSPA_RBSPICE_T3' FRAME_-362740_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-362740_CLASS_ID = -362740 FRAME_-362740_CENTER = -362 TKFRAME_-362740_RELATIVE = 'RBSPA_RBSPICE' TKFRAME_-362740_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-362740_ANGLES = ( -13.5, 0.0, 0.0 ) TKFRAME_-362740_AXES = ( 2, 1, 2 ) TKFRAME_-362740_UNITS = 'DEGREES' \begintext \begindata FRAME_RBSPA_RBSPICE_T4 = -362750 FRAME_-362750_NAME = 'RBSPA_RBSPICE_T4' FRAME_-362750_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-362750_CLASS_ID = -362750 FRAME_-362750_CENTER = -362 TKFRAME_-362750_RELATIVE = 'RBSPA_RBSPICE' TKFRAME_-362750_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-362750_ANGLES = ( -40.5, 0.0, 0.0 ) TKFRAME_-362750_AXES = ( 2, 1, 2 ) TKFRAME_-362750_UNITS = 'DEGREES' \begintext \begindata FRAME_RBSPA_RBSPICE_T5 = -362760 FRAME_-362760_NAME = 'RBSPA_RBSPICE_T5' FRAME_-362760_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-362760_CLASS_ID = -362760 FRAME_-362760_CENTER = -362 TKFRAME_-362760_RELATIVE = 'RBSPA_RBSPICE' TKFRAME_-362760_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-362760_ANGLES = ( -67.5, 0.0, 0.0 ) TKFRAME_-362760_AXES = ( 2, 1, 2 ) TKFRAME_-362760_UNITS = 'DEGREES' \begintext RPS Frame Definitions --------------------------------------------------------------- From [5]: View from underneath (opposite solar panels): +X (Spacecraft) /|\ | .-------------|-------------. RPS Boresight / | \ .--- +Z (RPS) / | \ | ` . / | \ ___` . / | \ o '| ` .| |''--... _.-""|""-._ | 11 ' |`x RPS | .' | `. | " |'|(+X) J / | \ | | .` | ```--..| | +Z (Spacecraft) | -------`---|------------|--------x--------|------------|-------> +Y .` | | | | | (Spacecraft) | .` | \ | / | |.`__ | `._ | _.` | +Y (RPS) | `-..|..-` | \ | / \ | / \ | / \ | / `-------------|-------------` | +Z (Spacecraft) is into the page +X (RPS) is into the page The RPS boresight defines the +Z direction of the RPS frame which lies parallel to the RBSPA spacecraft x-y plane. Being a circular aperature instrument, the choices of +X and +Y of the instrument relative to the Spacecraft frame are relatively abirtrary. Therefore, it was decided that the +X axis remain parallel to the spacecraft +Z axis. Therefore, the +Y direction for the RPS frame completes the right handed frame and lies in the Spacecraft x-y plane. The RPS Boresight lies in the Spacecraft x-y plane and is a 281 rotation about +X towards +Y. The boresight can be thought of as a vector defined as an azimuth and elevation in the spacecraft frame where the azimuth is +281 and the elevation is 0.0. Note: The +Z axis is pointing to the center of the field of view where the instrument is looking. The instrument is detecting particles that have a momentum antiparallel to the +Z axis of the RPS frame. Meaning particles are roughly moving along the -Z instrument axis. Further details about the instrument including a discussion of the Field of View can be found in the RPS instrument kernels. \begindata FRAME_RBSPA_RPS = -362800 FRAME_-362800_NAME = 'RBSPA_RPS' FRAME_-362800_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-362800_CLASS_ID = -362800 FRAME_-362800_CENTER = -362 TKFRAME_-362800_RELATIVE = 'RBSPA_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-362800_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-362800_ANGLES = ( 90.0, 259.0, 0.0 ) TKFRAME_-362800_AXES = ( 2, 1, 2 ) TKFRAME_-362800_UNITS = 'DEGREES' \begintext