RBSPICE Team Data Use Policies (Draft 02-06-2013) RBSPICE Data For a publication or presentation in which some or all of the data used were produced by the RBSPICE instrument of the Van Allen Probes mission, the following guidelines are encouraged: - Notify the RBSPICE Principal Investigator (PI) and RBSPICE Instrument Scientist (IS) of the data use and of the investigation objective(s). - Invite to be on the authorship the RBSPICE PI and IS and/or their designate(s). The PI and IS will know if members of the RBSPICE team are working on similar or related topics and could potentially contribute intellectually. - Communicate to the RBSPICE PI (Lou Lanzerotti), the RBSPICE IS (Don Mitchell), and the RBSPICE SOC Lead (Jerry W. Manweiler) a copy of the submitted work and/or a PPT/PDF of the presentation. Van Allen Probes Mission Instruments For RBSPICE Team members using data from other instruments of the Van Allen Probes mission, the RBSPICE Team member(s) should - Notify the Principal Investigator (PI), or his/her designee(s), of the instrument team that produced the data. - Familiarize oneself with the instrument team's Data Use Policies - Request of the PI as to whom to potentially include as an intellectual contributor to the research work. - Communicate a copy of the submitted research paper to the instrument PI if that individual is not a co-author of the work. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS For all publications that use RBSPICE data, please use the following acknowledgement of research support: The RBSPICE instrument was supported by JHU/APL Subcontract No. 937836 to the New Jersey Institute of Technology under NASA Prime Contract No. NAS5-01072. Updated 12/27/19, Cameron Crane