The files contain model radiation belt proton intensity derived from data taken by the Van Allen Probes REPT instruments using the method described by: Selesnick, R. S., Baker, D. N., Kanekal, S. G., Hoxie, V. C., & Li, X. (2018). Modeling the proton radiation belt with Van Allen Probes Relativistic Electron-Proton Telescope data. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 123. Each file contains average intensity, as a function of kinetic energy, equatorial pitch angle, and L-shell, derived from 1 month of data. File names are in the form: reptYYMM.txt where YY represents the year and MM the month (e.g. rept1401.txt is for January 2014). They are unix plain text files formatted as follows: Line 1: 3 integers Ne, Na, NL where Ne = number of proton kinetic energies Na = number of equatorial pitch angles NL = number of L-shells Line 2: Ne kinetic energies in MeV Line 3: Na equatorial pitch angles in degrees Line 4: NL L-shells Line 5: Natural logarithms of NL intensities in units of protons/(cm^ Line 6: 1-sigma uncertainties for the NL natural logarithms of proton intensity in line 5. (These are uncertainties in the natural logarithm of intensity, not in the intensity.) Lines 5 and 6 represent intensity and uncertainty at the NL L-shells for the first kinetic energy and first equatorial pitch angle. Lines 5 and 6 are repeated a total of Ne*Na times, with an intensity line followed by an uncertainty line, for each subsequent kinetic energy and equatorial pitch angle. The equatorial pitch angles always increase through Na values before the kinetic energy is increased to the next value, e.g. lines 7 and 8 are for the first kinetic energy and the second equatorial pitch angle, lines 5+2*Na and 6+2*Na are for the second kinetic energy and first equatorial pitch angle.