KPL/IK Parker Solar Probe FIELDS Instrument Kernel ======================================================================== This instrument kernel contains information for the FIELDS instrument onboard the Parker Solar Probe spacecraft. To be consistent with conventions prior to the mission name change from Solar Probe Plus (SPP) to Parker Solar Probe (PSP) in 2017, frame names and other text IDs are prefixed with the legacy acronym, SPP. Version and Date ======================================================================== \begindata TEXT_KERNEL_ID += 'SPP_FIELDS V1.0.0 17-MAR-2020 IK' \begintext Version 1.0.0 -- Mar. 17, 2020 -- M. Alexandra Matiella Novak Lillian Nguyen Initial release. References ======================================================================== 1. 'Frames Required Reading' 2. 'Kernel Pool Required Reading' 3. 'C-Kernel Required Reading' 4. 'The FIELDS Instrument Suite for Solar Probe Plus Measuring the Coronal Plasma and Magnetic Field, Plasma Waves and Turbulence, and Radio Signatures of Solar Transients' 5. 'PSPalignment020718-v29b.pptx' Contact Information ======================================================================== M. Alexandra Matiella Novak, JHU/APL, (443)802-1417, Lillian Nguyen, JHU/APL, (443)778-5477, Implementation Notes ======================================================================== This file is used by the SPICE system as follows: programs that make use of this frame kernel must `load' the kernel, normally during program initialization. Loading the kernel associates the data items with their names in a data structure called the `kernel pool'. The SPICELIB routine FURNSH loads a kernel into the pool as shown below: FORTRAN: (SPICELIB) CALL FURNSH ( frame_kernel_name ) C: (CSPICE) furnsh_c ( frame_kernel_name ); IDL: (ICY) cspice_furnsh, frame_kernel_name MATLAB: (MICE) cspice_furnsh ( frame_kernel_name ) This file was created by and may be updated with a text editor or word processor. FIELDS Instrument Description ======================================================================== FIELDS Description --------------------------------------------------------------- From [4]: "The FIELDS instrument on the NASA Solar Probe Plus (SPP) mission is a suite of instruments designed to measure DC and fluctuation magnetic and electric fields, plasma wave spectra and polarization properties, the spacecraft floating potential, and solar radio emissions." FIELDS instrument antennas and booms alignment on slide 17 of [5]. Naming Conventions --------------------------------------------------------------- All names referencing values in this I-kernel start with the characters 'INS' followed by the NAIF SPP spacecraft ID number (-96) and then followed by a NAIF three digit code for the FIELDS insturment (300). The remainder of the name is an underscore character followed by the unique name of the data item. INS-96300_PLATFORM_ID The upper bound on the length of the name of any data item identifier is 32 characters. If the same item is included in more than one file, or if the same item appears more than once within a single file, the latest value supersedes any earlier values. Kernel Contents --------------------------------------------------------------- The current release of the FIELDS instrument kernel contains no data. The standard instrument kernel contents contain field of view geometry definitions, which do not make sense for the FIELDS sensors. The Platform ID is the SPICE ID of the spacecraft. Platform ID --------------------------------------------------------------- \begindata INS-96300_PLATFORM_ID = ( -96000 ) \begintext NAIF ID Code to Name Mapping --------------------------------------------------------------- \begindata NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'SPP_FIELDS_MAGO' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -96301 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'SPP_FIELDS_MAGI' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -96302 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'SPP_FIELDS_SCM' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -96303 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'SPP_FIELDS_V1' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -96304 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'SPP_FIELDS_V2' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -96305 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'SPP_FIELDS_V3' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -96306 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'SPP_FIELDS_V4' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -96307 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'SPP_FIELDS_V5' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -96308 ) \begintext