Parker Solar Probe(PSP) ASCII merged data (aareadme_psp) COHO hourly and daily PSP data were made using PSP high res data archived at CDAWeb 1. The name of plasma data - 'PSP_SWP_SPC_L3I', parameters name - Proton bulk velocity, from 1-dimensional Maxwellian fitting, in the [inertial] RTN frame (Only Good Quality) [Total] proton density, from 1-dimensional Maxwellian fitting. (Only Good Quality) Proton radial [most probable] thermal speed component, from 1-dimensional Maxwellian fitting. (Only Good Quality) Note: for hourly data thermal speed was converted into temperature 2. The name of magnetic field data: 'PSP_FLD_L2_MAG_RTN_1MIN' ( see details at data descriptione there) and heliocentric trajectory from HelioWeb at ------------------------------------------------------------ FORMAT DESCRIPTION ( for hourly and daily files) WORD FORMAT FILL Value MEANING UNITS/COMMENTS 1 I4 Year 2018, etc. 2 I4 Decimal Day January 1 = Day 1 3 I3 Hour 0,1,...,23 4 F7.2 999.99 Spacecraft Heliocentric Astronomical units Distance 5 F7.1 9999.9 Heliographic Inertial Latitude Degrees, +/-90 of the Earth 6 F7.1 9999.9 Heliographic Inertial Longitude Degrees, 0-360 of the Earth 7 F9.2 99999.99 BR RTN nT 8 F9.2 99999.99 BT RTN nT 9 F9.2 99999.99 BN RTN nT 10 F9.2 99999.99 Field Magnitude average (Vector) nT 11 F8.1 99999.9 VR Proton Flow speed, RTN km/s 12 F8.1 99999.9 VT Proton Flow speed, RTN km/s 13 F8.1 99999.9 VN Proton Flow speed, RTN km/s 14 F8.1 99999.9 V Proton Flow speed, km/s 15 F8.1 99999.9 THETA - elevation angle Degrees of the velocity vector(V), RTN 16 F8.1 99999.9 PHI- azimuth angle Degrees of the velocity vector(V), RTN 17 F8.1 99999.9 Proton Density N/cm^3 18 F10.0 99999999. Proton Temperature Degrees, K ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DESCRIPTION OF COORDINATE SYSTEMS The Heliographic Inertial (HGI) coordinates are Sun-centered and inertially fixed with respect to an X-axis directed along the intersection line of the ecliptic and solar equatorial planes. The solar equator plane is inclined at 7.25 degrees from the ecliptic. This direction was towards ecliptic longitude of 74.367 degrees on 1 January 1900 at 1200 UT; because of precession of the celestial equator, this longitude increases by 1.4 degrees/century. The Z axis is directed perpendicular and northward from the solar equator, and the Y-axis completes the right-handed set. This system differs from the usual heliographic coordinates (e.g. Carrington longitudes) which are fixed in the frame of the rotating Sun. The RTN system is fixed at a spacecraft (or the planet). The R axis is directed radially away from the Sun, the T axis is the cross product of the solar rotation axis and the R axis, and the N axis is the cross product of the R and T axes. At zero heliographic latitude, when the spacecraft is in the solar equatorial plane, the N and solar rotation axes are parallel. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Acknowledgement: Use of these data in publications should be accompanied at minimum by acknowledgements of the GSFC/SPDF and OMNIWeb. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPDF contact: Dr. N. Papitashvili, E-mail: Dr Lan Jian, E-mail: For browse and retrieval that data with different kind of functionalities: see ------------------------------------------------------------ Related data and directories: SPDF Data and Orbits Services ------------------------------------------------------------------- Please acknowledge NASA's Space Physics Data Facility and and relevant scientists identified above for data usage. -------------------------------------------------------- Authorizing NASA Official: Robert Candey, Head, SPDF, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center e-mail: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------