CCSD1F00000100000034CCSD1R00000300000014 DELIMITER=EOF; CCSD1C00000400000013 ADI=NSSD1I00 ; CCSD1R00000300000036 DELIMITER=SMARKER; TYPE=CCSD1K000002; **************************************************** FORMAT.SFD file - High Resolution (Summary) Data Set **************************************************** SUBM_NAME: Dr. Paul Gazis SUBM_ADDR: Mail Stop 245-3 NASA Ames Research Center Moffett Field, CA 94035 Electronic Mail: 24609::GAZIS Telephone: 415-604-5704 SUBM_DATE: 1994-09-16 TITLE: Format for PVO OPA Summary (High resolution) Data Set DESCR: Format description of the PVO OPA Summary (High resolution) Data Set archive, 1978 to 1992 REL_DATE: 1994-09-16 CCSD1R00000300000018 DELIMITER=EMARKER; CCSD1R00000300000032 DELIMITER=EOF; TYPE=CCSD1D000002; FILE_TYPE_NAME: PVOFxxSUM.DAT RECORD_TYPE_NAME: PVO OPA Summary (high resolution) Averages RECORD_STRUCTURE: Fixed Length, no control fields. RECORD_LENGTH: 108 Bytes RECORD_FIELD_MNEMONICS: SCID, JYDD, NSEC, RAD, HLONG, HLAT, CHISQ, BADREC, none, BMAG, BAZM, BPOL, none, DBMAG, DBAZM, DBPOL TEM, DEN, VEL, AZM, POL, DTEM, DDEN, DVEL, DAZM RECORD_SYNTAX: 27 fields per record in the following order: SCID, JYDD, NHR, RAD, HLONG, HLAT, CHISQ, BADREC, none, BMAG, BAZM, BPOL, none, DBMAG, DBAZM, DBPOL TEM, DEN, VEL, AZM, POL, DTEM, DDEN, DVEL, DAZM There are no delimiters between fields in the record. Records are terminated by the standard ASCII "carriage-return line-feed." Field_Name: SCID Field_Mnemonic: SCID Field_Units: ASCII characters Field_Resolution: n/a Field_Range: n/a Field_Description: Spacecraft ID SCID = 'PVO ' for solar wind data SCID = 'PVOS' for data taken inside the nominal position of the Venusian bowshock Field_Representation: 4 ASCII characters Field_Name: JYDD Field_Mnemonic: JYDD Field_Units: Integer year and day numbers Field_Resolution: 1 day Field_Range: 78268 to 91365 Field_Description: Integer containing year (19YY) and the day of year (DDD) in the form (YYDDD) Field_Representation: 4-byte real variable Field_Name: NSEC Field_Mnemonic: NSEC Field_Units: seconds Field_Resolution: n/a Field_Range: 0.0 to 86400.0 Field_Description: Real second number from 0.0 to 86400.0 Field_Representation: 4-byte real variable Field_Name: RAD Field_Mnemonic: RAD Field_Units: kilometers Field_Resolution: probably accurate to 0.1 km Field_Range: PVO periapsis to apoapsis Field_Description: Venus-PVO distance in kilometers Field_Representation: 4-byte real variable Field_Name: HLONG Field_Mnemonic: HLONG Field_Units: degrees of angle Field_Resolution: probably accurate to 0.1 degree Field_Range: 0.0 to 360.0 Field_Description: Venus-centered Ecliptic longitude of PVO in degrees Field_Representation: 4-byte real variable Field_Name: HLAT Field_Mnemonic: HLAT Field_Units: degrees of angle Field_Resolution: probably accurate to 0.1 degree Field_Range: -90.0 to 90.0 Field_Description: Venus-centered Ecliptic latitude of PVO in degrees Field_Representation: 4-byte real variable Field_Name: CHISQ Field_Mnemonic: CHISQ Field_Units: dimensionless Field_Resolution: n/a Field_Range: 0.0-1.0 Field_Description: Formal value of chi-squared from the least-squares fit software used to calculate plasma parameters from raw OPA instrument spectra. Field_Representation: 4-byte real variable Field_Name: BADREC Field_Mnemonic: BADREC Field_Units: dimensionless Field_Resolution: n/a Field_Range: -100.0 to 100.0 Field_Description: Data quality index. ABS( BADREC) < 5.0 Good data 5.0 < ABS( BADREC) < 15.0 Probably good data 15.0 < ABS( BADREC) < 25.0 Probably good data 25.0 < ABS( BADREC) < 45.0 Unreliable data 45.0 < ABS( BADREC) Bad data Negative values indicate data taken inside the nominal position of the Venusian bowshock Field_Representation: 4-byte real variable Field_Name: Average absolute value of B Field_Mnemonic: none Field_Units: gamma Field_Resolution: unknown Field_Range: Approximately 0.0 to 1000.0 Field_Description: Average of the absolute value of the interplanetary magnetic field. Field_Representation: 4-byte real variable Field_Name: BMAG Field_Mnemonic: BMAG Field_Units: gamma Field_Resolution: unknown Field_Range: Approximately 0.0 to 1000.0 Field_Description: Magnitude of the average interplanetary magnetic field Field_Representation: 4-byte real variable Field_Name: BAZM Field_Mnemonic: BAZM Field_Units: degrees of angle Field_Resolution: unknown Field_Range: -360.0 to 360.0 Field_Description: Azimuthal (E/W) angle of the average interplanetary magnetic field. Zero points TOWARDS the sun (?) and positive values point towards the EAST (?) Field_Representation: 4-byte real variable Field_Name: BPOL Field_Mnemonic: BPOL Field_Units: degrees of angle Field_Resolution: unknown Field_Range: -360.0 tp 360.0 Field_Description: Polar (N/S) angle of the average interplanetary magnetic field. Zero points TOWARDS the sun (?) and positive values point NORTH (?) Field_Representation: 4-byte real variable Field_Name: RMS dispersion in average of magnitude of B Field_Mnemonic: none Field_Units: gamma Field_Resolution: unknown Field_Range: unknown Field_Description: RMS dispersion in average of magnitude of B Field_Representation: 4-byte real variable Field_Name: DBMAG Field_Mnemonic: DBMAG Field_Units: gamma Field_Resolution: unknown Field_Range: unknown Field_Description: RMS dispersion in magnitude of the average interplanetary magnetic field Field_Representation: 4-byte real variable Field_Name: DBAZM Field_Mnemonic: DBAZM Field_Units: degrees Field_Resolution: unknown Field_Range: unknown Field_Description: RMS dispersion in azimuthal (E/W) angle of the average interplanetary magnetic field Field_Representation: 4-byte real variable Field_Name: DBPOL Field_Mnemonic: DBPOL Field_Units: gamma Field_Resolution: unknown Field_Range: unknown Field_Description: RMS dispersion in polar (N/S) angle of the average interplanetary magnetic field Field_Representation: 4-byte real variable Field_Name: TEM Field_Mnemonic: TEM Field_Units: Degrees Kelvin Field_Resolution: probably accurate to 40% Field_Range: approximately 0.0 to 1.0E+06 Field_Description: Average solar wind proton temperature Field_Representation: 4-byte real variable Field_Name: DEN Field_Mnemonic: DEN Field_Units: number / cm ** 3 Field_Resolution: probably accurate to 20% Field_Range: approximately 1.0 to 1000.0 Field_Description: Average solar wind proton number density Field_Representation: 4-byte real variable Field_Name: VEL Field_Mnemonic: VEL Field_Units: km / sec Field_Resolution: probably accurate to 2-5 km / sec Field_Range: approximately 200.0 to 1000.0 Field_Description: Average of the magnitude of the solar wind bulk velocity Field_Representation: 4-byte real variable Field_Name: AZM Field_Mnemonic: AZM Field_Units: degrees Field_Resolution: unknown, but may be approximately 3 degrees Field_Range: -180.0 to 180.0 Field_Description: Average of the azimuthal (E/W) angle of the solar wind bulk velocity. Zero points TOWARDS the sun and positive values point towards the EAST (?) Field_Representation: 4-byte real variable Field_Name: POL Field_Mnemonic: POL Field_Units: degrees Field_Resolution: unknown, but may be approximately 3 degrees Field_Range: -90.0 to 90.0 Field_Description: Average of the polar (N/S) angle of the solar wind bulk velocity. Zero points TOWARDS the sun and positive values point towards the NORTH (?) Field_Representation: 4-byte real variable Field_Name: DTEM Field_Mnemonic: DTEM Field_Units: degrees Kelvin Field_Resolution: unknown Field_Range: unknown Field_Description: Formal value of the uncertainty in proton temperature (K) calculated by the least squares fit software. Field_Representation: 4-byte real variable Field_Name: DDEN Field_Mnemonic: DDEN Field_Units: number / cm**3 Field_Resolution: unknown Field_Range: unknown Field_Description: Formal value of the uncertainty in the proton density calculated by the least squares fit software. Field_Representation: 4-byte real variable Field_Name: DVEL Field_Mnemonic: DVEL Field_Units: km / sec Field_Resolution: unknown Field_Range: unknown Field_Description: Formal value of the uncertainty in the bulk velocity calculated by the least squares fit software. Field_Representation: 4-byte real variable Field_Name: DAZM Field_Mnemonic: DAZM Field_Units: degrees Field_Resolution: unknown Field_Range: unknown Field_Description: Formal value of the uncertainty in the azimuthal flow angle calculated by the least squares fit software. Field_Representation: 4-byte real variable Field_Name: RPOL Field_Mnemonic: RPOL Field_Units: degrees Field_Resolution: unknown Field_Range: unknown Field_Description: Formal value of the uncertainty in the polar flow angle calculated by the least squares fit software. Field_Representation: 4-byte real variable { end of file occurs here }