CCSD3FF0000500000001CCSD3CS00004MRK**001 ADIDNAME=NSSD0058; CCSD$$MARKERMRK**001CCSD3KS00002MRK**002 SUBM_NAME: Dr. Pradip Gangopadhyay SUBM_ADDR: Space Sciences Center, MC-1341 University of Southern California Los Angeles, CA 90089-1341 (213) 740-6340 e-mail: SUBM_DATE: 11-10-1994 TITLE: Format for Pioneer 10 UVDB Cruise Archive Data Set DESCR: Format description of the Pioneer 10 UV photometer dataset for daily averages of the spin-averaged short and long wavelength channels from January 1972 onward. These data are used to study the interaction of the solar wind with the interstellar medium by measurements of spatial and temporal variations of the intensity of backscattered solar Lyman alpha emission at 1216 A and of the solar Helium line at 584 A. REL_DATE: 11-10-1994 CCSD$$MARKERMRK**002CCSD3DF0000200000001 FILE_CLASS_NAME: UVDB_AVG_FILE RECORD_TYPE_NAME: UVDB_AVG_REC RECORD_STRUCTURE: Fixed length, no control fields RECORD_LENGTH: 31390 bytes for non-leap years and 31476 bytes for leap years RECORD_FIELD_MNEMONICS: DAY, COR, DRATLW, DRATSW, HRADSP, CLATSP, CLONSP, CLATSU, CLONSU, CLATEA, CLONEA RECORD SYNTAX: There are eleven ASCII fields per record with mnemonics in the same order as specified in RECORD_FIELD_MNEMONICS. Fields are separated by single blank characters, starting after the first field and ending before the last field. Records are terminated by standard ASCII carriage-return and line-feed. The FORMAT statement for a FORTRAN write command would be as follows: FORMAT(I4,1X,I1,1X,F8.1,1X,F8.2,1X,F8.4,6(1X,F7.3)) FIELD_NAME: Day of Year FIELD_MNEMONIC: DAY FIELD_UNITS: Spacecraft Event Time (UT) FIELD_RESOLUTION: Daily value FIELD_RANGE: 1 to 366 FIELD_DESCRIPTION: Integer day of year (DAY=1 on January 1) FIELD_REPRESENTATION: 5 ASCII Characters (I4) FIELD_NAME: Indicator of Spacecraft Orientation Correction FIELD_MNEMONIC: COR FIELD_UNITS: 0 or 1 FIELD_RESOLUTION: occurrence during the day FIELD_RANGE: 0 and 1 FIELD_DESCRIPTION: Integer indicator of the spacecraft orientation correction (1 = correction occurred; 0 = no correction occurred) FIELD_REPRESENTATION: 1 ASCII Characters (I1) FIELD_NAME: Daily Average Long Wavelength Count Rate FIELD_MNEMONIC: DRATLW FIELD_UNITS: Counts/second FIELD_RESOLUTION: Daily average FIELD_RANGE: 0 to 3000 FIELD_DESCRIPTION: Daily averaged count rates for the long wavelength channel of the UV photometer. FIELD_REPRESENTATION: 8 ASCII characters (F8.1) FIELD_NAME: Daily Average Short Wavelength Count Rate FIELD_MNEMONIC: DRATSW FIELD_UNITS: Counts/second FIELD_RESOLUTION: Daily average FIELD_RANGE: 0 to 300 FIELD_DESCRIPTION: Daily averaged count rates for the short wavelength channel of the UV photometer. FIELD_REPRESENTATION: 8 ASCII characters (F8.2) FIELD_NAME: Heliocentric Distance of the Spacecraft FIELD_MNEMONIC: HRADSP FIELD_UNITS: AU FIELD_RESOLUTION: Daily average FIELD_RANGE: 1 to 100 FIELD_DESCRIPTION: Radial distance of the spacecraft from the Sun's center. FIELD_REPRESENTATION: 8 ASCII characters (F8.4) FIELD_NAME: Celestial Pointing Latitude of the Spacecraft +Z Axis FIELD_MNEMONIC: CLATSP FIELD_UNITS: Degrees FIELD_RESOLUTION: Daily average FIELD_RANGE: -90 to +90 FIELD_DESCRIPTION: The celestial latitude of the pointing direction for the spacecraft's +Z axis, where the latter is along the spacecraft spin axis pointed approximately towards the Earth. The UV photometer points away from the Earth at an angle of 20 degrees to the -Z axis. FIELD_REPRESENTATION: 7 ASCII characters (F7.3) FIELD_NAME: Celestial Pointing Longitude of the Spacecraft +Z Axis FIELD_MNEMONIC: CLONSP FIELD_UNITS: Degrees FIELD_RESOLUTION: Daily average FIELD_RANGE: 0 to 360 FIELD_DESCRIPTION: The celestial longitude of the pointing direction for the spacecraft's +Z axis, where the latter is along the spacecraft spin axis pointed approximately towards the Earth. The UV photometer points away from the Earth at an angle of 20 degrees to the -Z axis. FIELD_REPRESENTATION: 7 ASCII characters (F7.3) FIELD_NAME: Celestial Latitude of the Sun FIELD_MNEMONIC: CLATSU FIELD_UNITS: Degrees FIELD_RESOLUTION: Daily average FIELD_RANGE: -90 to +90 FIELD_DESCRIPTION: The celestial latitude of the Sun as seen from the spacecraft. FIELD_REPRESENTATION: 7 ASCII characters (F7.3) FIELD_NAME: Celestial Longitude of the Sun FIELD_MNEMONIC: CLONSU FIELD_UNITS: Degrees FIELD_RESOLUTION: Daily average FIELD_RANGE: 0 to 360 FIELD_DESCRIPTION: The celestial longitude of the Sun as seen from the spacecraft. FIELD_REPRESENTATION: 7 ASCII characters (F7.3) FIELD_NAME: Celestial Latitude of the Earth FIELD_MNEMONIC: CLATEA FIELD_UNITS: Degrees FIELD_RESOLUTION: Daily average FIELD_RANGE: -90 to +90 FIELD_DESCRIPTION: The celestial latitude of the Earth as seen from the spacecraft. FIELD_REPRESENTATION: 7 ASCII characters (F7.3) FIELD_NAME: Celestial Longitude of the Earth FIELD_MNEMONIC: CLONEA FIELD_UNITS: Degrees FIELD_RESOLUTION: Daily average FIELD_RANGE: 0 to 360 FIELD_DESCRIPTION: The celestial longitude of the Earth as seen from the spacecraft. FIELD_REPRESENTATION: 7 ASCII characters (F7.3) /* EOF */