*************** FORMAT.SFD file *************** CCSD1F00000100000034CCSD1R00000300000014 DELIMITER=EOF; CCSD1C00000400000013 ADI=NSSD1I00 ; CCSD1R00000300000036 DELIMITER=SMARKER; TYPE=CCSD1K000002; SUBM_NAME: Dr. Paul Gazis SUBM_ADDR: Mail Stop 245-3 NASA Ames Research Center Moffett Field, CA 94035 Electronic Mail: 24609::GAZIS gazis@24.479.span.nasa.gov gazis@arwen.span.nasa.gov Telephone: 415-604-5704 SUBM_DATE: 17-JUN-1996 TITLE: Format for Pioneer 10 and 11 Trajectory Data Set DESCR: Format description of the Pioneer 10 and 11 Trajectory Data Set archive archive, 1978 to 1995 REL_DATE: 17-JUN-1996 CCSD1R00000300000018 DELIMITER=EMARKER; CCSD1R00000300000032 DELIMITER=EOF; TYPE=CCSD1D000002; FILE_TYPE_NAME: PnnTRA.DAT RECORD_TYPE_NAME: Pioneer 10 and 11 trajectory data RECORD_STRUCTURE: DEC variable length, no control fields. RECORD_LENGTH: 70 Bytes (two bytes are a DEC-style record length identifier, the remaining 68 bytes are 17 4-byte real words of data). RECORD_FIELD_MNEMONICS: SCID, YRDAY, MSEC, RSC, ANGL( 2), CSTATE( 6), VSC, RE, EANGL( 2), RESC RECORD_SYNTAX: 17 fields per record in the following order: SCID, JYDD, MSEC, RSC, ANGL( 2), CSTATE( 6), VSC, RE, EANGL( 2), RESC. There are no delimiters between fields in the record. Records are terminated by the standard ASCII "carriage-return line-feed." Field_Name: SCID Field_Mnemonic: SCID Field_Units: ASCII characters Field_Resolution: n/a Field_Range: n/a Field_Description: Spacecraft ID SCID = 'P10 ' for Pioneer 10 SCID = 'P11 ' for Pioneer 11 Field_Representation: 4-byte real variable containing ASCII characters Field_Name: YRDAY Field_Mnemonic: YRDAY Field_Units: Real year and day numbers Field_Resolution: 1 day Field_Range: 78268.0 to 95250.0 Field_Description: Real number containing year (19YY) and the day of year (DDD) in the form (YYDDD) Field_Representation: 4-byte real variable Field_Name: MSEC Field_Mnemonic: MSEC Field_Units: milliseconds Field_Resolution: n/a Field_Range: 0.0 to 86400000.0 Field_Description: Real number containing time in milliseconds of day from 0.0 to 86400000.0 Field_Representation: 4-byte real variable Field_Name: RSC Field_Mnemonic: RSC Field_Units: Sun-s/c distance (km) Field_Resolution: Should be better than 1.0E+05 Field_Range: 1.5E+08 to 1.0E+10 Field_Description: Sun-s/c distance in km Field_Representation: 4-byte real variables Field_Name: ANGL( 2) Field_Mnemonic: ANGL Field_Units: Longitude and latitude of s/c (degrees) Field_Resolution: n/a Field_Range: -180.0 to 180.0 Field_Description: Two-element array ANGL( 1): longtitude of s/c ANGL( 2): latitude of s/c Field_Representation: 2 4-byte real variables Field_Name: CSTATE( 6) Field_Mnemonic: CSTATE Field_Units: (km, km/sec) Field_Resolution: n/a Field_Range: -1.0E+02 to 1.0E+10 Field_Description: Six-element array containing the Cartesian coords and velocity of s/c (km, km/sec) Field_Representation: 6 4-byte real variables Field_Name: VSC Field_Mnemonic: VSC Field_Units: km / s Field_Resolution: Should be better than 0.1 Field_Range: -1.0E+02 to 1.0E+02 Field_Description: Speed of s/c (km/sec) Field_Representation: 4-byte real variable Field_Name: RE Field_Mnemonic: RE Field_Units: km Field_Resolution: Should be better than 1.0E+04 Field_Range: approximately 1.5E+08 Field_Description: Sun-Earth distance (km) Field_Representation: 4-byte real variable Field_Name: EANGL( 2) Field_Mnemonic: EANGL Field_Units: Longitude and latitude of Earth (degrees) Field_Resolution: n/a Field_Range: -180.0 to 180.0 Field_Description: Two-element array ANGL( 1): longtitude of Earth ANGL( 2): latitude of Earth Field_Representation: 2 4-byte real variables Field_Name: RESC Field_Mnemonic: RESC Field_Units: km Field_Resolution: Should be better than 1.0E+05 Field_Range: approximately 1.0E+10 Field_Description: Sun-Earth distance (km) Field_Representation: 4-byte real variable { end of file occurs here }