CCSD3FF0000500000001CCSD3CS00004MRK**001 ADIDNAME=NSSD0056; CCSD$$MARKERMRK**001CCSD3KS00002MRK**002 Subm_Name: Dr. Walker Fillius Subm_Addr: UCSD/CASS/0111 9500 Gilman Drive La Jolla, CA 92093-0111 U.S.A Telephone: (619) 534-3315 Electronic Mail (NSI/DECnet): CASS::WALKER Subm_Date: 1994-12-01 Title: Format for Pioneer 10 TRD Cruise Data Archive Data Set Descr: Format description of the Pioneer 10 Trapped Radiation Detector's cruise phase archive data set, March, 1972 through December, 1993 Rel_Date: 1994-12-01 CCSD$$MARKERMRK**002CCSD3DF0000200000001 File_Class_Name: UCSD TRD Interplanetary Cruise ASCII Archive Record_Type_Name: Half hour homogeneous summaries Algorithms: Records contain statistical information on the readings from each data channel during each summary time interval. For pulse data the statistical quantities are the number of readings, total number of counts, total accumulation time, rms deviation of readings, maximum residue, and minimum residue. Average counting rates are the most useful product. These can be computed as the quotient of the total number of counts divided by the total accumulation time. Statistical error (one standard deviation) is the square root of the total number of counts divided by the total accumulation time. Valid average rates can be obtained for a number of contiguous intervals by summing total counts and total accumulation time separately before performing square roots and quotients. File_Class_Syntax: All records in the UCSD TRD interplanetary cruise ASCII archive files are of the same type, size, and format. File_Class_Field_Relationships: Time: The named times for the beginning and end of each summary record refer to the times of the first and last readings within the summary average window. For example, for the first summary of a day, the beginning time is not 00:00:00.000, but rather the time of the first reading after this instant. Similarly, the ending time is the time of the last record before 00:30:00.000. To identify a preselected time interval, the user must look for a record that is contained within his desired window. File_Class_Misc: See Record and Field specifications. Record_Name: Half hour homogeneous summaries Record_Structure: All data records are of the same length. Record_Length: 1800 ASCII characters or bytes Record_Field_Names: SAT, UCSD, HMI, DELT, BYR, BMON, BDAY, BHR, BMIN, BSEC, BMSEC, EYR, EMON, EDAY, EHR, EMIN, ESEC, EMSEC, EDRTAP, TDF, TBR, BRTLT, ERTLT, PMIN(3), PMAX(3), PAVE(3), PRMS(21), PRESMAX(21), PRESMIN(21), NREAD(21), NCOUNT(21), TOTIME(21), AVG(6), ERMS(6), ERESMAX(6), ERESMIN(6), AVGA(6), ECMAX(6), ECMIN(6), MREAD(6), NFMOD, BATCCLT, BATCLNG, BRADPS, BCLTPSC, BALGPSC, BRADES, BCLTESC, BALGESC, BRADJS, BCLTJSC, BALGJSC, BSPARE, EATCCLT, EATCLNG, ERADPS, ECLTPSC, EALGPSC, ERADES, ECLTESC, EALGESC, ERADJS, ECLTJSC, EALGJSC, ESPARE, FSPARE Record_Syntax: Field Name Format Description Number 1 SAT A11 Spacecraft identifier (" Pioneer 10" or " Pioneer 11) 2 UCSD A8 Label ("UCSD ") 3 HMI A5 Summary type, Homogeneous/InH ("H Sum" or "I Sum") 4 DELT I6 Time width of summary window (seconds) 5a BYR I4 Four digit year at beginning of summary (1972-1990) 5b BDASH1 A1 Subfield separator ("-") 5c BMON I2 Month at beginning of summary (01-12) 5d BDASH2 A1 Subfield separator ("-") 5e BDAY I2 Day of month at beginning of summary (01-31) 5f BT A1 Subfield separator ("T") 5g BHR I2 Hour of day at beginning of summary (00-23) 5h BCOLON1 A1 Subfield separator (":") 5i BMIN I2 Minute of hour at beginning of summary (00-59) 5j BCOLON2 A1 Subfield separator (":") 5k BSEC I2 Second of minute at beginning of summary (00-60) 5l BDOT A1 Subfield separator (".") 5m BMSEC I3 Millisec of second at beginning of summary (000-999) 6 BLANK A1 Field separator (" ") 7a EYR I4 Four digit year at end of summary (1972-2001) 7b EDASH1 A1 Subfield separator ("-") 7c EMON I2 Month at end of summary (01-12) 7d EDASH2 A1 Subfield separator ("-") 7e EDAY I2 Day of month at end of summary (01-31) 7f ET A1 Subfield separator ("T") 7g EHR I2 Hour of day at end of summary (00-23) 7h ECOLON1 A1 Subfield separator (":") 7i EMIN I2 Minute of hour at end of summary (00-59) 7j ECOLON2 A1 Subfield separator (":") 7k ESEC I2 Second of minute at end of summary (00-60) 7l EDOT A1 Subfield separator (".") 7m EMSEC I3 Millisecond of second at end of summary (000-999) 8 EDRTAP A6 UCSD name of source EDR 9 TDF A3 Telemetry data format (" A ", "A/D", " B ", or "B/D") 10 TBR I1 Code for telemetry bit rate (bits/s=2**(3+TBR)) 11 BRTLT I8 Round trip light time at beginning of summary (ms) 12 ERTLT I8 Round trip light time at end of summary (ms) Housekeeping Parameters 13-15 PMIN(I) 3*F6.1 Minimum values of 3 housekeeping parameters 16-18 PMAX(I) 3*F6.1 Maximum values of 3 housekeeping parameters 19-21 PAVE(I) 3*F6.1 Average values of 3 housekeeping parameters The 3 are Pulse-Electronics Temperature (deg F), High-Voltage Regulator Current (micro-A), and Detector C Temperature (deg F), respectively. PAVE(2) is not used and is left blank. Pulse Channel Data for 21 Channels 22-42 PRMS(I) 21*E9.2E2 RMS Deviation of readings in summary interval 43-63 PRESMAX(I) 21*E9.2E2 Maximum residue normalized to RMS deviation 64-84 PRESMIN(I) 21*E9.2E2 Minimum residue normalized to RMS deviation 85-105 NREAD(I) 21*I4 Number of readings in summary 106-126 NCOUNT(I) 21*I9 Total number of counts in all readings 127-147 TOTIME(I) 21*I8 Total accumulation time for all readings (ms) The 21 pulse-counting channels are, in order, C1, C2, C3, E1H, E2H, E3H, E1L, E2L, E3L, E1U, E2U, E3U, M1H, M2H, M3H, M1L, M2L, M3L, M1U, M2U, M3U. Electrometer Channel Data for 6 Channels 148-153 AVG(I) 6*F5.1 Average reading for channel I (0.0-450.0) 154-159 ERMS(I) 6*E8.1E2 RMS deviation of current in amperes 160-165 ERESMAX(I) 6*E8.1E2 Maximum residue of current in amperes 166-171 ERESMIN(I) 6*E8.1E2 Minimum residue of current in amperes 172-177 AVGA(I) 6*E8.1E2 Average current in amperes 178-183 ECMAX(I) 6*E8.1E2 Maximum current in amperes 184-189 ECMIN(I) 6*E8.1E2 Minimum current in amperes 190-195 MREAD(I) 6*I4 Number of readings in summary The 6 electrometer channels are, in order, CDC, SEDC, SPDC, CAL1, CAL2, CAL3. Attitude and Trajectory Data 196 NFMOD A14 Data type ("Interplanetary") 197 BATCCLT F8.3 Ecliptic colatitude of S/C spin vector at beginning time of summary record 198 BATCLNG F8.3 Ecliptic longitude of S/C spin vector at beginning time of summary record 199 BRADPS F8.3 Radial distance from sun to S/C at beginning time of summary record 200 BCLTPSC F8.3 Ecliptic colatitude of S/C at beginning time of summary record 201 BALGPSC F8.3 Ecliptic longitude of S/C at beginning time of summary record 202 BRADES F8.3 Radial distance from sun to earth at beginning time of summary record 203 BCLTESC F8.3 Ecliptic colatitude of earth at beginning time of summary record 204 BALGESC F8.3 Ecliptic longitude of earth at beginning time of summary record 205 BRADJS F8.3 Radial distance from sun to Jupiter at beginning time of summary record 206 BCLTJSC F8.3 Ecliptic colatitude of Jupiter at beginning time of summary record 207 BALGJSC F8.3 Ecliptic longitudeof Jupiter at beginning time of summary record 208 BSPARE 6*A8 Blank fill 209 EATCCLT F8.3 Ecliptic colatitude of S/C spin vector at end time of summary record 210 EATCLNG F8.3 Ecliptic longitude of S/C spin vector at end time of summary record 211 ERADPS F8.3 Radial distance from sun to S/C at end time of summary record 212 ECLTPSC F8.3 Ecliptic colatitude of S/C at end time of summary record 213 EALGPSC F8.3 Ecliptic longitude of S/C at end time of summary record 214 ERADES F8.3 Radial distance from sun to earth at end time of summary record 215 ECLTESC F8.3 Ecliptic colatitude of earth at end time of summary record 216 EALGESC F8.3 Ecliptic longitude of earth at end time of summary record 217 ERADJS F8.3 Radial distance from sun to Jupiter at end time of summary record 218 ECLTJSC F8.3 Ecliptic colatitude of Jupiter at end time of summary record 219 EALGJSC F8.3 Ecliptic longitude of Jupiter at end time of summary record 220 ESPARE 6*A8 Blank fill 221 FSPARE A7 Blank fill Field_Name: Spacecraft identifier Field_Mnemonic: SAT Field_Units: ASCII characters Field_Resolution: not applicable Field_Range: "Pioneer 10" or "Pioneer 11" Field_Description: This parameter is used to identify the spacecraft which carried the instrument which acquired the data in this archive. The spacecraft are named according to a convention in which the literal name indicates that the spacecraft belongs to a series of interplanetary and planetary probes built under the aegis of the NASA Ames Research Center in Mountain View, California, and the number indicates the chronological position of the spacecraft in that series. Field_Representation: 11 ASCII characters (A11) Field_Name: Identifier of the institution responsible for the instrument Field_Mnemonic: "UCSD " Field_Units: ASCII characters Field_Resolution: not applicable Field_Range: UCSD Field_Description: This parameter identifies the University of California, San Diego as the institution which designed, built, and carried out the primary data analysis for this instrument. Field_Representation: 8 ASCII characters (A8) Field_Name: Summary type Field_Mnemonic: HMI Field_Units: ASCII characters Field_Resolution: not applicable Field_Range: "H Sum" or "I Sum" Field_Description: Identifies whether the statistical information in the summary record is homogeneous or inhomogeneous. Field_Representation: 5 ASCII characters (A5) Field_Name: Time width of summary window Field_Mnemonic: DELT Field_Units: seconds Field_Resolution: 1 second Field_Range: Exactly 1800 for the half hour summaries in the UCSD cruise data archive. Other values of DELT are in use by UCSD in other data sets. Field_Description: Indicates the nominal width of the averaging intervals. Field_Representation: 6 ASCII characters (I6) Field_Name: Beginning time Field_Mnemonic: BTIME Field_Units: CCSDS ASCII Time Code, form A (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.ddd) Field_Resolution: one millisecond Field_Range: 1973-04-06T00:00:00.000 to 1990-12-31T23:30:00.000 Field_Description: Time of first reading within the summary averaging interval Field_Representation: 23 ASCII characters Field_Name: Blank Field_Mnemonic: BLANK Field_Units: One ASCII character Field_Resolution: not applicable Field_Range: " " Field_Description: A blank space to separate the beginning time field from the ending time field. Field_Representation: 1 ASCII character (A1) Field_Name: Ending time Field_Mnemonic: ETIME Field_Units: CCSDS ASCII Time Code, form A (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.ddd) Field_Resolution: one millisecond Field_Range: 1973-04-06T00:29:59.999 to 1990-12-31T23:59:59.999 Field_Description: Time of last reading within the summary averaging interval Field_Representation: 23 ASCII characters Field_Name: EDR tape name Field_Mnemonic: EDRTAP Field_Units: Six ASCII characters Field_Resolution: not applicable Field_Range: "M00000" to "M99999" Field_Description: The identifier given to the source EDR in the internal UCSD tape filing system Field_Representation: 6 ASCII characters (A6) Field_Name: Telemetry data format Field_Mnemonic: TDF Field_Units: Three ASCII characters Field_Resolution: not applicable Field_Range: " A ", "A/D", " B ", or "B/D" Field_Description: Identifier of the data format in use by the spacecraft telemetry system during the data transmission. This parameter affects the operating mode of the instrument. Field_Representation: 3 ASCII characters (A3) Field_Name: Telemetry bit rate Field_Mnemonic: TBR Field_Units: One ASCII character Field_Resolution: not applicable Field_Range: 1 through 8 Field_Description: Identifier of the data bit rate in use by the spacecraft telemetry system during the data transmission. This parameter affects the operating mode of the instrument. The bit rate, in bits per second, is given by the formula 2**(3+TBR), and covers the range from 16 bps through 2048 bps in eight binary steps. Field_Representation: 1 ASCII character (I1) Field_Name: Beginning round trip light time Field_Mnemonic: BRTLT Field_Units: milliseconds Field_Resolution: one millisecond Field_Range: Approximately 0 to 50000000 Field_Description: Round trip light travel time from earth to the spacecraft and back at the beginning time of the summary. Field_Representation: 8 ASCII characters (I8) Field_Name: Ending round trip light time Field_Mnemonic: ERTLT Field_Units: milliseconds Field_Resolution: one millisecond Field_Range: Approximately 0 to 50000000 Field_Description: Round trip light travel time from earth to the spacecraft and back at the ending time of the summary. Field_Representation: 8 ASCII characters (I8) Field_Name: Minimum values for each of 3 housekeeping parameters Field_Mnemonic: PMIN(I) Field_Units: degrees F, micro-amperes, and degrees F respectively Field_Resolution: Determined by spacecraft A/D converter. Approximately 3 degrees F and 2 microamperes. Field_Range: Approximately -50 to +50 degrees F and 0 to 100 microamperes. Field_Description: Minimum values transmitted during the averaging interval for 3 housekeeping parameters. The 3 housekeeping parameters are Pulse-Electronics Temperature (deg F), High-Voltage Regulator Current (micro-A), and Detector C Temperature (deg F), respectively. Field_Representation: 18 ASCII characters (3*F6.1) Field_Name: Maximum values for each of 3 housekeeping parameters Field_Mnemonic: PMAX(I) Field_Units: degrees F, micro-amperes, and degrees F respectively Field_Resolution: Determined by spacecraft A/D converter. Approximately 3 degrees F and 2 microamperes. Field_Range: Approximately -50 to +50 degrees F and 0 to 100 microamperes. Field_Description: Maximum values transmitted during the averaging interval for 3 housekeeping parameters. The 3 housekeeping parameters are Pulse-Electronics Temperature (deg F), High-Voltage Regulator Current (micro-A), and Detector C Temperature (deg F), respectively. Field_Representation: 18 ASCII characters (3*F6.1) Field_Name: Average values for each of 3 housekeeping parameters Field_Mnemonic: PAVE(I) Field_Units: degrees F, micro-amperes, and degrees F respectively Field_Resolution: Determined by spacecraft A/D converter. Approximately 3 degrees F and 2 microamperes. Field_Range: Approximately -50 to +50 degrees F and 0 to 100 microamperes. Field_Description: Average values transmitted during the averaging interval for 3 housekeeping parameters. The 3 housekeeping parameters are Pulse-Electronics Temperature (deg F), High-Voltage Regulator Current (micro-A), and Detector C Temperature (deg F), respectively. I=2 is not used. Field_Representation: 18 ASCII characters (3*F6.1) Field_Name: Root mean square deviation for each of 21 pulse-counting channels Field_Mnemonic: PRMS(I) Field_Units: counts Field_Resolution: Approximately one per cent Field_Range: 0 to 10**7 Field_Description: RMS deviation, computed over the readings in the summary interval, for each of 21 pulse height channels. The 21 pulse-counting channels are, in order, C1, C2, C3, E1H, E2H, E3H, E1L, E2L, E3L, E1U, E2U, E3U, M1H, M2H, M3H, M1L, M2L, M3L, M1U, M2U, M3U. Field_Representation: 189 ASCII characters (21*E9.2E2) Field_Name: Maximum residue for each of 21 pulse-counting channels Field_Mnemonic: PRESMAX(I) Field_Units: Normalized to RMS deviation Field_Resolution: Approximately one per cent Field_Range: 0 to 10**7 Field_Description: The maximum residue is the difference between the maximum reading and the mean reading, normalized by dividing by the rms deviation. The maximum is computed over the readings in the summary interval, for each of 21 pulse height channels. The 21 pulse-counting channels are, in order, C1, C2, C3, E1H, E2H, E3H, E1L, E2L, E3L, E1U, E2U, E3U, M1H, M2H, M3H, M1L, M2L, M3L, M1U, M2U, M3U. Field_Representation: 189 ASCII characters (21*E9.2E2) Field_Name: Minimum residue for each of 21 pulse-counting channels Field_Mnemonic: PRESMIN(I) Field_Units: Normalized to RMS deviation Field_Resolution: Approximately one per cent Field_Range: 0 to 10**7 Field_Description: The minimum residue is the difference between the mean reading and the minimum reading, normalized by dividing by the rms deviation. The minimum is computed over the readings in the summary interval, for each of 21 pulse height channels. The 21 pulse-counting channels are, in order, C1, C2, C3, E1H, E2H, E3H, E1L, E2L, E3L, E1U, E2U, E3U, M1H, M2H, M3H, M1L, M2L, M3L, M1U, M2U, M3U. Field_Representation: 189 ASCII characters (21*E9.2E2) Field_Name: Number of readings in summary for each of 21 pulse-counting channels Field_Mnemonic: NREAD(I) Field_Units: Integer count Field_Resolution: One Field_Range: 0 to several thousand Field_Description: The number of readings during the summary averaging interval, from each of 21 pulse-counting channels. The 21 pulse- counting channels are, in order, C1, C2, C3, E1H, E2H, E3H, E1L, E2L, E3L, E1U, E2U, E3U, M1H, M2H, M3H, M1L, M2L, M3L, M1U, M2U, M3U. Field_Representation: 84 ASCII characters (21*I4) Field_Name: Total number of counts for each of 21 pulse-counting channels Field_Mnemonic: NCOUNT(I) Field_Units: Counts Field_Resolution: One Field_Range: 0 to 10**9 - 1 Field_Description: The total number of counts during the summary averaging interval, summed over all readings from each of 21 pulse-counting channels. The 21 pulse-counting channels are, in order, C1, C2, C3, E1H, E2H, E3H, E1L, E2L, E3L, E1U, E2U, E3U, M1H, M2H, M3H, M1L, M2L, M3L, M1U, M2U, M3U. Field_Representation: 189 ASCII characters (21*I9) Field_Name: Total accumulation time for each of 21 pulse-counting channels Field_Mnemonic: TOTIME(I) Field_Units: Milliseconds Field_Resolution: One millisecond Field_Range: 0 to 3600000 Field_Description: The total live time during the summary averaging interval, summed over all readings from each of 21 pulse-counting channels. The 21 pulse-counting channels are, in order, C1, C2, C3, E1H, E2H, E3H, E1L, E2L, E3L, E1U, E2U, E3U, M1H, M2H, M3H, M1L, M2L, M3L, M1U, M2U, M3U. Field_Representation: 168 ASCII characters (21*I8) Field_Name: Average reading for each of 6 electrometer channels Field_Mnemonic: AVG(I) Field_Units: Quasilogarithmic A/D conversion Field_Resolution: 0.2 per cent Field_Range: 0.0 to 450.0 Field_Description: Average reading over the summary interval, computed for each of six electrometer channels. The electrometer has two overlapping quasilogarithmic ranges from 10**-14 amps to 10**-9 amps for the low current range, and 10**-10 to 10**-5 amps for the high current range. The signal is processed by a quasilogarithmic analog- to-digital converter, and presented to the encoder as a pulse train plus a range identifier bit. The pulse train is encoded on a scale from 250 (lowest current in range) to 0 (highest current in range). These two ranges are combined by our data reduction program to a single logarithmic scale with a slope of 50 counts per decade from 450 at 10**-14 amperes to 0 at 10**-5 amperes. The 6 electrometer channels are, in order, CDC, SEDC, SPDC, CAL1, CAL2, and CAL3. Field_Representation: 30 ASCII characters (6*F5.1) Field_Name: RMS deviation of current for each of 6 electrometer channels Field_Mnemonic: ERMS(I) Field_Units: Amperes Field_Resolution: Approximately 5 per cent Field_Range: 0 to 10**-5 Field_Description: RMS deviation of the current in amperes, computed over all the readings in the summary interval, for each of six electrometer channels. The 6 electrometer channels are, in order, CDC, SEDC, SPDC, CAL1, CAL2, and CAL3. Field_Representation: 48 ASCII characters (6*E8.1E2) Field_Name: Maximum residue of current for each of 6 electrometer channels Field_Mnemonic: ERESMAX(I) Field_Units: Amperes Field_Resolution: Approximately 5 per cent Field_Range: 0 to 10**-5 Field_Description: The maximum residue is the difference between the maximum current and the average current during the summary interval, computed for each of six electrometer channels. The 6 electrometer channels are, in order, CDC, SEDC, SPDC, CAL1, CAL2, and CAL3. Field_Representation: 48 ASCII characters (6*E8.1E2) Field_Name: Minumum residue of current for each of 6 electrometer channels Field_Mnemonic: ERESMIN(I) Field_Units: Amperes Field_Resolution: Approximately 5 per cent Field_Range: 0 to 10**-5 Field_Description: The minimum residue is the difference between the average current and the minimum current during the summary interval, computed for each of six electrometer channels. The 6 electrometer channels are, in order, CDC, SEDC, SPDC, CAL1, CAL2, and CAL3. Field_Representation: 48 ASCII characters (6*E8.1E2) Field_Name: Average current in for each of 6 electrometer channels Field_Mnemonic: AVGA(I) Field_Units: Amperes Field_Resolution: Approximately 5 per cent Field_Range: 10**-14 to 10**-5 Field_Description: The average current in amperes, computed over all the readings in the summary interval, for each of six electrometer channels. The 6 electrometer channels are, in order, CDC, SEDC, SPDC, CAL1, CAL2, and CAL3. Field_Representation: 48 ASCII characters (6*E8.1E2) Field_Name: Maximum current for each of 6 electrometer channels Field_Mnemonic: ECMAX(I) Field_Units: Amperes Field_Resolution: Approximately 5 per cent Field_Range: 10**-14 to 10**-5 Field_Description: The maximum current in amperes, over all the readings in the summary interval, for each of six electrometer channels. The 6 electrometer channels are, in order, CDC, SEDC, SPDC, CAL1, CAL2, and CAL3. Field_Representation: 48 ASCII characters (6*E8.1E2) Field_Name: Minimum current for each of 6 electrometer channels Field_Mnemonic: ECMIN(I) Field_Units: Amperes Field_Resolution: Approximately 5 per cent Field_Range: 10**-14 to 10**-5 Field_Description: The minimum current in amperes, over all the readings in the summary interval, for each of six electrometer channels. The 6 electrometer channels are, in order, CDC, SEDC, SPDC, CAL1, CAL2, and CAL3. Field_Representation: 48 ASCII characters (6*E8.1E2) Field_Name: Number of readings in summary for each of 6 electrometer channels Field_Mnemonic: MREAD(I) Field_Units: Integer count Field_Resolution: One Field_Range: 0 to several thousand Field_Description: The number of readings during the summary averaging interval, from each of six electrometer channels. The 6 electrometer channels are, in order, CDC, SEDC, SPDC, CAL1, CAL2, and CAL3. Field_Representation: 24 ASCII characters (6*I4) Field_Name: Data reduction mode Field_Mnemonic: NFMOD Field_Units: ASCII characters Field_Resolution: not applicable Field_Range: "Interplanetary" Field_Description: Specifies one of several modes for running the data reduction program. Only the one mode was used in generating the Pioneer 10 TRD Cruise Data Archive, but other modes were used in generating other data sets. Field_Representation: 14 ASCII characters (A14) Field_Name: Ecliptic colatitude of S/C spin vector at beginning time of summary record Field_Mnemonic: BATCCLT Field_Units: Degrees Field_Resolution: 0.1 degree Field_Range: 0 to 180.0 Field_Description: The ecliptic colatitude is measured southward from the ecliptic zenith. Field_Representation: 8 ASCII characters (F8.3) Field_Name: Ecliptic longitude of S/C spin vector at beginning time of summary record Field_Mnemonic: BATCLNG Field_Units: Degrees Field_Resolution: Approximately 0.1 degree Field_Range: 0 to 360.0 Field_Description: The ecliptic longitude is measured in the ecliptic plane eastward from the Vernal Equinox. Field_Representation: 8 ASCII characters (F8.3) Field_Name: Radial distance from sun to S/C at beginning time of summary record Field_Mnemonic: BRADPS Field_Units: Astronomical units (AU). One AU = 1.495985*10**13 cm. Field_Resolution: 0.001 AU Field_Range: Approximately 1 to 33 AU Field_Description: One component of the spacecraft position coordinates given in spherical polar coordinates referenced to the ecliptic plane, with point of origin at the sun. Field_Representation: 8 ASCII characters (F8.3) Field_Name: Ecliptic colatitude of S/C at beginning time of summary record Field_Mnemonic: BCLTPSC Field_Units: Degrees Field_Resolution: Approximately 0.1 degree Field_Range: 0 to 180.0 degrees Field_Description: One component of the spacecraft position coordinates given in spherical polar coordinates referenced to the ecliptic plane, with point of origin at the sun. The ecliptic colatitude is measured southward from the ecliptic zenith. Field_Representation: 8 ASCII characters (F8.3) Field_Name: Ecliptic longitude of S/C at beginning time of summary record Field_Mnemonic: BALGPSC Field_Units: Degrees Field_Resolution: Approximately 0.1 degree Field_Range: 0 to 360.0 degrees Field_Description: One component of the spacecraft position coordinates given in spherical polar coordinates referenced to the ecliptic plane, with point of origin at the sun. The ecliptic longitude is measured in the ecliptic plane eastward from the Vernal Equinox. Field_Representation: 8 ASCII characters (F8.3) Field_Name: Radial distance from sun to earth at beginning time of summary record Field_Mnemonic: BRADES Field_Units: Astronomical units (AU). One AU = 1.495985*10**13 cm. Field_Resolution: 0.001 AU Field_Range: Approximately 1 AU Field_Description: One component of the earth's position coordinates given in spherical polar coordinates referenced to the ecliptic plane, with point of origin at the sun. Field_Representation: 8 ASCII characters (F8.3) Field_Name: Ecliptic colatitude of earth at beginning time of summary record Field_Mnemonic: BCLTESC Field_Units: Degrees Field_Resolution: Approximately 0.1 degree Field_Range: Approximately 90 degrees Field_Description: One component of the earth's position coordinates given in spherical polar coordinates referenced to the ecliptic plane, with point of origin at the sun. The ecliptic colatitude is measured southward from the ecliptic zenith. Field_Representation: 8 ASCII characters (F8.3) Field_Name: Ecliptic longitude of earth at beginning time of summary record Field_Mnemonic: BALGESC Field_Units: Degrees Field_Resolution: Approximately 0.1 degree Field_Range: 0 to 360.0 degrees Field_Description: One component of the earth's position coordinates given in spherical polar coordinates referenced to the ecliptic plane, with point of origin at the sun. The ecliptic longitude is measured in the ecliptic plane eastward from the Vernal Equinox. Field_Representation: 8 ASCII characters (F8.3) Field_Name: Radial distance from sun to Jupiter at beginning time of summary record Field_Mnemonic: BRADJS Field_Units: Astronomical units (AU). One AU = 1.495985*10**13 cm. Field_Resolution: 0.001 AU Field_Range: Approximately 5 AU Field_Description: One component of Jupiter's position coordinates given in spherical polar coordinates referenced to the ecliptic plane, with point of origin at the sun. Field_Representation: 8 ASCII characters (F8.3) Field_Name: Ecliptic colatitude of Jupiter at beginning time of summary record Field_Mnemonic: BCLTJSC Field_Units: Degrees Field_Resolution: Approximately 0.1 degree Field_Range: Approximately 90 degrees Field_Description: One component of Jupiter's position coordinates given in spherical polar coordinates referenced to the ecliptic plane, with point of origin at the sun. The ecliptic colatitude is measured southward from the ecliptic zenith. Field_Representation: 8 ASCII characters (F8.3) Field_Name: Ecliptic longitude of Jupiter at beginning time of summary record Field_Mnemonic: BALGJSC Field_Units: Degrees Field_Resolution: Approximately 0.1 degree Field_Range: 0 to 360.0 degrees Field_Description: One component of Jupiter's position coordinates given in spherical polar coordinates referenced to the ecliptic plane, with point of origin at the sun. The ecliptic longitude is measured in the ecliptic plane eastward from the Vernal Equinox. Field_Representation: 8 ASCII characters (F8.3) Field_Name: Blank fill Field_Mnemonic: BSPARE Field_Units: ASCII characters Field_Resolution: not applicable Field_Range: " " Field_Description: Blank characters to fill space in the record Field_Representation: 48 ASCII characters (6A8) Field_Name: Ecliptic colatitude of S/C spin vector at ending time of summary record Field_Mnemonic: EATCCLT Field_Units: Degrees Field_Resolution: 0.1 degree Field_Range: 0 to 180.0 Field_Description: The ecliptic colatitude is measured southward from the ecliptic zenith. Field_Representation: 8 ASCII characters (F8.3) Field_Name: Ecliptic longitude of S/C spin vector at ending time of summary record Field_Mnemonic: EATCLNG Field_Units: Degrees Field_Resolution: Approximately 0.1 degree Field_Range: 0 to 360.0 Field_Description: The ecliptic longitude is measured in the ecliptic plane eastward from the Vernal Equinox. Field_Representation: 8 ASCII characters (F8.3) Field_Name: Radial distance from sun to S/C at ending time of summary record Field_Mnemonic: ERADPS Field_Units: Astronomical units (AU). One AU = 1.495985*10**13 cm. Field_Resolution: 0.001 AU Field_Range: Approximately 1 to 33 AU Field_Description: One component of the spacecraft position coordinates given in spherical polar coordinates referenced to the ecliptic plane, with point of origin at the sun. Field_Representation: 8 ASCII characters (F8.3) Field_Name: Ecliptic colatitude of S/C at ending time of summary record Field_Mnemonic: ECLTPSC Field_Units: Degrees Field_Resolution: Approximately 0.1 degree Field_Range: 0 to 180.0 degrees Field_Description: One component of the spacecraft position coordinates given in spherical polar coordinates referenced to the ecliptic plane, with point of origin at the sun. The ecliptic colatitude is measured southward from the ecliptic zenith. Field_Representation: 8 ASCII characters (F8.3) Field_Name: Ecliptic longitude of S/C at ending time of summary record Field_Mnemonic: EALGPSC Field_Units: Degrees Field_Resolution: Approximately 0.1 degree Field_Range: 0 to 360.0 degrees Field_Description: One component of the spacecraft position coordinates given in spherical polar coordinates referenced to the ecliptic plane, with point of origin at the sun. The ecliptic longitude is measured in the ecliptic plane eastward from the Vernal Equinox. Field_Representation: 8 ASCII characters (F8.3) Field_Name: Radial distance from sun to earth at ending time of summary record Field_Mnemonic: ERADES Field_Units: Astronomical units (AU). One AU = 1.495985*10**13 cm. Field_Resolution: 0.001 AU Field_Range: Approximately 1 AU Field_Description: One component of the earth's position coordinates given in spherical polar coordinates referenced to the ecliptic plane, with point of origin at the sun. Field_Representation: 8 ASCII characters (F8.3) Field_Name: Ecliptic colatitude of earth at ending time of summary record Field_Mnemonic: ECLTESC Field_Units: Degrees Field_Resolution: Approximately 0.1 degree Field_Range: Approximately 90 degrees Field_Description: One component of the earth's position coordinates given in spherical polar coordinates referenced to the ecliptic plane, with point of origin at the sun. The ecliptic colatitude is measured southward from the ecliptic zenith. Field_Representation: 8 ASCII characters (F8.3) Field_Name: Ecliptic longitude of earth at ending time of summary record Field_Mnemonic: EALGESC Field_Units: Degrees Field_Resolution: Approximately 0.1 degree Field_Range: 0 to 360.0 degrees Field_Description: One component of the earth's position coordinates given in spherical polar coordinates referenced to the ecliptic plane, with point of origin at the sun. The ecliptic longitude is measured in the ecliptic plane eastward from the Vernal Equinox. Field_Representation: 8 ASCII characters (F8.3) Field_Name: Radial distance from sun to Jupiter at ending time of summary record Field_Mnemonic: ERADJS Field_Units: Astronomical units (AU). One AU = 1.495985*10**13 cm. Field_Resolution: 0.001 AU Field_Range: Approximately 5 AU Field_Description: One component of Jupiter's position coordinates given in spherical polar coordinates referenced to the ecliptic plane, with point of origin at the sun. Field_Representation: 8 ASCII characters (F8.3) Field_Name: Ecliptic colatitude of Jupiter at ending time of summary record Field_Mnemonic: ECLTJSC Field_Units: Degrees Field_Resolution: Approximately 0.1 degree Field_Range: Approximately 90 degrees Field_Description: One component of Jupiter's position coordinates given in spherical polar coordinates referenced to the ecliptic plane, with point of origin at the sun. The ecliptic colatitude is measured southward from the ecliptic zenith. Field_Representation: 8 ASCII characters (F8.3) Field_Name: Ecliptic longitude of Jupiter at ending time of summary record Field_Mnemonic: EALGJSC Field_Units: Degrees Field_Resolution: Approximately 0.1 degree Field_Range: 0 to 360.0 degrees Field_Description: One component of Jupiter's position coordinates given in spherical polar coordinates referenced to the ecliptic plane, with point of origin at the sun. The ecliptic longitude is measured in the ecliptic plane eastward from the Vernal Equinox. Field_Representation: 8 ASCII characters (F8.3) Field_Name: Blank fill Field_Mnemonic: ESPARE Field_Units: ASCII characters Field_Resolution: not applicable Field_Range: " " Field_Description: Blank characters to fill space in the record Field_Representation: 48 ASCII characters (6A8) Field_Name: Blank fill Field_Mnemonic: FSPARE Field_Units: ASCII characters Field_Resolution: not applicable Field_Range: " " Field_Description: Blank characters to fill space in the record Field_Representation: 7 ASCII characters (A7)