File: P10GTTHR_FMT.txt Version: NSSDC 11/15/2001 JFC ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hourly Average Interplanetary Cosmic Ray Data from the Pioneer 10 Geiger Tube Telescope (GTT) Experiment Date Set Data Coverage: 1972-03-03 to 1991-06-30 Data Set Contact: Dr. John F. Cooper, RSTX/SSDOO, NASA GSFC Experiment: Pioneer 10 Geiger Tube Telescope (GTT) Experiment Principal Investigator: Prof. James A. Van Allen, University of Iowa Dataset Description: The Pioneer 10 Geiger-Mueller Tube (GTT) experiment measures cosmic ray and magnetospheric energetic electron and proton intensities in the energy range of 0.06 to 10^2 MeV. This data set consists of hourly averages of selected interplanetary counting rates computed by NSSDC staff from 15-min. averaged data in the full VMS binary data set 72-012A-11D in the NSSDC tape archive. Users needing this full data set should apply via e-mail to The hourly data are in the files P10GTyyn.asc as described below. Data Parameters: NYY NDOY MHR MMN NSEC NTSAMP RATGG RATA RATB RATC RATD RSCS HLATSC Data Parameter Definition: NYY - YEAR (SCET) NDOY- DAY OF YEAR (SCET) MHR - HOUR MMN - MINUTE NSEC - SECONDS NTSAMP - DATA SAMPLES NORMALIZED TO 2048 BPS TELEMETRY RATE RATGG- G+G COUNTING RATE (ELECTRONS > 0.06 MeV, PROTONS > 25 MEV) RATA- A CHANNEL COUNTING RATE (ELECTRONS > 5 MEV, PROTONS > 30 MEV) RATB- B CHANNEL COUNTING RATE (ELECTRONS > 0.55 MEV, PROTONS > 6.6 MEV) RATC- C CHANNEL COUNTING RATE (ELECTRONS > 21 MEV, PROTONS > 80 MEV) RATD- D CHANNEL COUNTING RATE (ELECTRONS > 31 MEV, PROTONS > 80 MEV) RSCS- SUN-SPACECRAFT DISTANCE (AU) HLATSC- HELIOGRAPHIC LATITUDE OF SPACECRAFT (DEGREES) FORTRAN Statement for Data File Format: WRITE(IPRT,1234) NYY,NDOY,MHR,MMN,NSEC,NTSAMP,RATGG,RATA,RATB, * RATC,RATD,RSCS,HLATSC 1234 FORMAT(1X,I2,1X,I3,3(1X,I2),1X,I5,1X,3F8.3,2F7.3,2(1X,F8.4)) File Structure: The COHO data files are divided into six-month blocks. For example, P10GT73A.asc includes data for Jan.-Jun. of 1973 while P10GT73B.asc has data for Jul.- Dec. of 1973. Related Information and Data: Further details on the spacecraft, experiment, data sets at NSSDC, and related WWW sites can be found on the Pioneer 10/11 flight project page under Hour averages of the interplanetary solar wind data from, and hourly heliocentric coordinates of, Pioneer 10/11 and other interplanetary spacecraft may be also be accessed and plotted on-line through the COHOWeb service based at the same WWW site as above. Acknowledgement: Use of these data in publications should be accompanied at minimum by acknowledgements of the National Space Science Data Center and the responsible Principal Investigator defined in the experiment documentation provided here. Citation of NSSDC's Coordinated Heliospheric Observations (COHO) data base would also be appreciated, so that other potential users will be made aware of this service.