File: P10MAGHR_FMT.txt Version 12/22/98 JFC =============================================================================== PIONEER 10 INTERPLANETARY MAGNETIC FIELD DATA - 1 HOUR AVERAGES ----------------------------------------------------------------- Data Set Coverage (yyyy-mm-dd): 1972-03-03 to 1975-11-17 NSSDC Data Set ID: 72-012A-01K Data Set Contact: Joyce Wolf, NASA JPL Experiment: Pioneer 10 Helium Vector Magnetometer (HVM) Principal Investigator: Dr. Edward J. Smith, NASA JPL Data Set Description: The Helium Vector Magnetometer (HVM) measurements of interplanetary magnetic fields are averaged at one-hour intervals with respect to Spacecraft Event Time - UT. Data set parameters include the three orthogonal components of the magnetic field in RTN coordinates, where R is in the sun-s/c direction, T is the cross product of the solar rotation axis and R, and N is the cross product of R and T. The hourly field magnitude, averaged over scalar magnitudes at higher time resolution, is also provided. All field values are in nanotelsa. Data are available from launch through the time of instrument failure in 1975. This data set is also available on-line in the Coordinated Heliospheric Observations (COHO) data base at NSSDC's Anonymous FTP site and in the COHOWeb browse and retrieval service on the World Wide Web, both accessible via WWW at the NSSDC space physics page The file P10HVM_15M.SFD provides a detailed description of the Pioneer spacecraft, the HVM experiment, and the data. This ASCII document is written in Standard Formatted Data Unit (SFDU) format as part of NSSDC data set 72-012A-01I for 15-minute averaged data covering 1972-03-03 to 1975-11-17. Data Set Files: P10MAGHR_FMT.txt - this document P10HVM_15M.SFD - SFDU metadata extract from Pioneer 10 HVM 15-min. data set P10MAGyy.asc - Hour average data files (ASCII) for year 19yy Data Format: IY - SCET-UT Year (yy) IDOY - SCET-UT Day of Year (ddd) , IDOY = 1 for Jan. 1 IHR - SCET-UT Hour of day BR - Radial component (RTN system) of vector magnetic field in nT BT - Transverse component (RTN) of vector magnetic field in nT BN - Normal component (RTN) of vector magnetic field in nT B - Scaler magnetic field magnitude in nT RAU - Radial distance from Sun to spacecraft in AU ELAT - Ecliptic latitude of spacecraft in degrees ELON - Ecliptic longitude of spacecraft in degrees The following FORTRAN read statement will read the hourly data records: READ(10,10) IY, IDOY, IHR, BR, BT, BN, B, RAU, ELAT, ELON 10 FORMAT(I3, I4.3, I3.2, 4F9.4, F9.5, F7.1, F8.1) Related Information and Data: Further details on the spacecraft, experiment, data sets at NSSDC, and related WWW sites can be found on the Pioneer 10/11 flight project page under Hour averages of the interplanetary solar wind data from, and hourly heliocentric coordinates of, Pioneer 10/11 and other interplanetary spacecraft may be also be accessed and plotted on-line through the COHOWeb service based at the same WWW site as above. Pioneer data on NDADS (NASA's Data Archive and Distribution Service) may be located on the WWW via the SPyCAT service at the above URL or an e-mail message to ARMS (Automated Retrieval Mail System) at with "HOLDINGS" on the subject line. Acknowledgement: Use of these data in publications should be accompanied at minimum by acknowledgements of the National Space Science Data Center and the responsible Principal Investigator defined in the experiment documentation provided here. Citation of NSSDC's Coordinated Heliospheric Observations (COHO) data base would also be appreciated, so that other potential users will be made aware of this service.