0082NSSDCA::ANON_DIR:[COHO.P10MAG.MINUTE]P10MAGMN.FMT Version 7/17/95 JFC0083===============================================================================00040069PIONEER 10 INTERPLANETARY MAGNETIC FIELD DATA - 1 MINUTE AVERAGES0069-----------------------------------------------------------------00040060Data Set Coverage (yyyy-mm-dd): 1972-03-03 to 1975-11-1700040059Experiment: Pioneer 10 Helium Vector Magnetometer (HVM)00040057Principal Investigator: Dr. Edward J. Smith, NASA JPL00040042Data Set Contact: Joyce Wolf, NASA JPL00040040Data Set Submission Date: 1995-07-08000400040025Data Set Description:00040082This data set from the Pioneer 10 Helium Vector Magnetometer (HVM) consists of0073one minute averages of vector components and scalar magnitudes of the0081interplanetary magnetic field. The three components (Br, Bt, Bn) are given in0080the RTN coordinate system and all magnetic fields are expressed in nanotelsa0077units. The scalar magnitudes (B) are averages of higher resolution scalar0080magnitudes. The time tag for each one-minute interval is the midpoint of the0081averaging interval in SCET-UT (Spacecraft Event Time - UT). The averages were0080originally calculated over one-minute intervals in Ground Received Time, and0081the midpoints have been converted to SCET-UT. The file LIGHTTIME.P10 contains0082daily values for the one-way light-time delay. No records are written for data0082gaps. Most files cover 28 or 35 days, but there are a number of shorter files,0081particularly at year boundaries. Data for the Jupiter encounter, days 329-3490081of 1973, are not included. The RTN system is fixed to the sun-spacecraft line0077and aligned with the solar heliographic equator. The R axis is the radial0077direction to the spacecraft, the T axis is the cross product of the solar0073rotation axis and the R axis, and N is the cross product of R and T. 000400040019Data Set Files:00040042P10HVMMN.FMT - this document (ASCII)0074P10HVM.SFD - SFDU metadata extract for Pioneer 10 HVM data (ASCII)^^^^^^^^^^^0083Myyddd.P10 - 1-minute data files from Pioneer 10 HVM starting at date yyddd0069LIGHTTIME.P10 - data file with one-way light-time delays (ASCII)0079MAGCOORD - JPL document on Pioneer coordinate transformations (ASCII)0080P10MAGMN.CAT - VMS directory listing with file sizes in VMS blocks (ASCII)000400040041Parameter Format for File Myyddd.P10:00040027IY - SCET-UT Year (yy)0059IDOY - SCET-UT Day of Year (ddd) , IDOY = 1 for Jan. 1 0029IHR - SCET-UT Hour of day0033IMIN - SCET-UT Minute of hour0035ISEC - SCET-UT Second of minute0074BR - Radial component (RTN system) of vector magnetic field in nT0071BT - Transverse component (RTN) of vector magnetic field in nT0062BN - Normal component (RTN) of vector magnetic field in nT0045B - Scaler magnetic field magnitude in nT00040071 The data records are read in ASCII FORTRAN format as follows:00040063 READ(10,110) IY, IDOY, IHR, IMIN, ISEC, BR, BT, BN, B0041110 FORMAT(1X,I2,I4.3,3I3.2, 4F8.4)000400040034NSSDC Data Set ID: 72-012A-01J000400040029NSSDC Data Set Location: 00040082Off-line: ask for NSSDC data set 72-012A-01J from request@nssdca.gsfc.nasa.gov00040068On-line: COHO directory at nssdca::anon_dir:[coho.p10mag.minute]00040069Near-line: Pioneer project data set on NDADS (ingest in progress)000400040020Acknowledgement:00040079Please acknowledge the National Space Science Data Center and the Principal0082Investigator, Dr. E. J. Smith of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, for use of0030this data in publications.000400040024Related Information:00040074The file P10HVM_15M.SFD provides a detailed description of the Pioneer0083spacecraft, the HVM experiment, and the data. This ASCII document is written in0072Standard Formatted Data Unit (SFDU) format as part of NSSDC data set007872-012A-01I for 15-minute averaged data covering 1972-03-03 to 1975-11-17.00040078Other information about the Pioneer mission, experiments, and data sets at0078NSSDC may be obtained via World Wide Web and NSSDC's space physics page at^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0078http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/space/space_physics_home.htm. Non-WWW users may0078access NSSDC information in the NASA Master Directory and the NSSDC Master0076catalog via Internet login to the NSSDC On-Line Data Information Service0043(NODIS) at nodis@nssdca.gsfc.nasa.gov. 0005 0079Pioneer data on NDADS (NASA's Data Archive and Distribution Service) may be0074located via WWW or an e-mail message to ARMS (Automated Retrieval Mail0082System) at archives@ndadsa.gsfc.nasa.gov with "HOLDINGS" on the subject line. 0004^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^