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National Space Science Data Center Header

Spectrum Scan


Availability: At NSSDC, Ready for Offline Distribution (or Staging if Digital)

Time span: 1975-06-23 to 1978-09-30


These experimenter-supplied, spectrum scan data are on binary magnetic tape created on a PDP 11/34 computer. The tapes are multifiled, with each file containing a 7-word header of Radix-50 title information for internal PDP use followed by an experiment header record and a variable number of logical header records and data records of 1024 bytes each. The experiment header contains tape and experiment identification information, date and orbit number, and satellite position. A logical header record precedes each data record. It contains the dimension of the data array, wavelength information, start time of logical record, absolute and differential temperatures, gate time, true spacecraft mode, calculated actual azimuth and elevation (for raster experiments only), and experiment type. Each data record contains an array of one of the following eight experiment types: (1) wavelength maximum (observation of a single line profile at one position on the solar disk), (2) line scan (observation of the profile of a single position in point mode), (3) spectrum scan (observation of a large part of the solar spectrum), (4) multiple line scan (observation of up to eight individual line profiles at a single point), (5) wavelength maximum with limb offset, (6) line scan with limb offset, (7) spectrum scan with limb offset, and (8) multiple line with limb offset. Data reduction programs for data analysis are available on data set -01I. For more information on this data set, contact Dr. Charles Barth, Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, Campus Box 392, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309.


  • Solar Physics: Ultraviolet


  • 75-057A-01D

Additional Information



Questions or comments about this data collection can be directed to: Coordinated Request and User Support Office.



NameRoleOriginal AffiliationE-mail
Dr. Charles A. BarthGeneral ContactUniversity of
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