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Stellar and Solar X-ray Spectroscope Merged Data


Availability: At NSSDC, Ready for Offline Distribution (or Staging if Digital)

Time span: 1975-07-24 to 1978-09-15


This data set contains merged X-ray data from the following three sources: stellar X-ray polarimeter, stellar X-ray spectrometer, and solar X-ray spectrometer. Although the two spectrometers are physically the same instrument, the data from each appear in different formats in the telemetry stream. In addition, only one of these three experiments can be conducted at a given time. The fundamental time period for data collection is one revolution of the satellite, and each of the logical records represents 1432 bytes of information relevant to one revolution. The data are on binary magnetic tape created on an IBM 360 computer. There are five logical records per physical block. A logical record contains day and seconds of day; spin, roll, and aspect right ascension and declination; pitch angle; position X, Y, and Z; height; magnetic field B; right ascension; declination; longitude; latitude; spin; high-voltage readouts; temperature readouts; low-voltage readouts; flare and window thresholds; raster one and two; sungate, reference and status used; number of missing events; number of events; and data words. This data set is accompanied by a program that reads the tapes and writes onto three output tapes, so that the three kinds of data referred to above can be separated onto three sets of tapes. For information on the main data base and this data set, contact Dr. Martin Weisskopf, Code ES-62, MSFC/NASA, Huntsville, AL 35812.


  • National Space Science Data Center


  • Astronomy: X-Ray
  • Solar Physics: X-Ray


  • 75-057A-03A

Additional Information



Questions or comments about this data collection can be directed to: Coordinated Request and User Support Office.



NameRoleOriginal AffiliationE-mail
Dr. Martin C. WeisskopfGeneral ContactColumbia

Selected References

Novick, R., Data reduction and analysis for the ``graphite crystal X-ray spectrometer and polarimeter experiment'' flown aboard OSO-8 spacecraft, Columbia U., Columbia Astrophys. Lab., CAL-1471, New York, NY, Aug. 1980.

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