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Photometer Output Map


Availability: At NSSDC, Ready for Offline Distribution (or Staging if Digital)

Time span: 1967-08-31 to 1968-01-19


This data set, supplied by the principal investigator, consists of airglow photometer data contained on binary magnetic tapes written on an IBM 360 computer. Two different time sequences of data are available, one channel (mirror position) per tape in chronological order by file, and all eight channel files for 1 day consecutive and not necessarily chronological. The number of files per tape is variable. Each file contains data for only one channel for less than 1 day, and is composed of a file label and data records. Each record contains one orbit of data. Included in the file label are the mirror position, number of records in the file, year, start and end day, and seconds of file data. Included in a data record are the number of seconds in this record, orbit number, latitude of shadow entry and exit, latitude and longitude of the measurement, value of channel reading dark current, dark current, and right ascension. This data set was used to generate data sets 67-073A-12I and 67-073A-12J.


  • Space Physics: Ionospheric Studies


  • 67-073A-12O

Additional Information



Questions or comments about this data collection can be directed to: Coordinated Request and User Support Office.



NameRoleOriginal AffiliationE-mail
Mrs. Virginia B. ZannerGeneral ContactNASA Goddard Space Flight Center 
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