Availability: At NSSDC, Ready for Offline Distribution (or Staging if Digital)
Time span: 1966-06-09 to 1967-01-26
This experimenter-supplied data set consists of a complete set of ion-electron detector data, plus ephemeris information, on binary magnetic tapes written on an IBM 360/75 computer. The tapes each contain one file and do not contain standard OS/360 tape labels. The tapes contain both the reduced data recorded at a 1-kbs rate and the analyzed data transmitted at 8 or 64 kbs, which, on these tapes, have been condensed to an equivalent 1-kbs sampling rate. The tapes have 5184-byte physical records, and each physical record contains eight 648-byte logical records. Each logical record contains time (UT); the detector currents and count rates measured during one revolution of the absorber wheel; a series of housekeeping parameters, and orbit and attitude parameters defining the satellite position in geocentric inertial, geomagnetic, magnetospheric, and ecliptic coordinates; and the detector orientation. The data are time ordered, and data overlaps have been removed.
Questions or comments about this data collection can be directed to: Coordinated Request and User Support Office.
Name | Role | Original Affiliation | |
Dr. Frederick W. Berko | General Contact | National Security Agency |