Availability: At NSSDC, Ready for Offline Distribution (or Staging if Digital)
Time span: 1965-10-14 to 1967-10-02
This data set, supplied by the principal investigator, consists of 0.5-s averages of the geomagnetic field magnitude every 10 s. No ephemeris information is included. The data are contained on a binary magnetic tape produced on an IBM 7094 computer. The data are in one file of variable-length records. The data are time ordered, and time is expressed in Julian day and milliseconds of Julian day. A Fortran IV program is available at NSSDC to compute the difference between the observed field and either the geomagnetic field model that uses the POGO 10/68 coefficients or the model that uses the GSFC 12/66 coefficients. Ephemeris information is not included in the data set. The coefficients and the ephemeris tape required for this program are available at NSSDC.
Questions or comments about this data collection can be directed to: Coordinated Request and User Support Office.
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