Availability: At NSSDC, Ready for Offline Distribution (or Staging if Digital)
Time span: 1965-10-14 to 1965-11-03
This data set, provided by the principal investigator, consists of reduced cosmic-ray count-rate data merged with orbital data and corresponds to the time period before the spacecraft went into a spin mode. The data are on binary magnetic tapes written on an IBM 7094 computer. The data are formatted as follows. Each tape has a 20-word file header record followed by a variable number of physical records (each having a six-word record header). There are a variable number of logical records per physical record, since the 52-word orbital-data logical record was inserted into the stream of four-word count-rate data logical records once every minute in generating this set of tapes. This insertion did not necessarily occur at the beginning or end of a given physical record. Each file contains about 5 min of data. The tapes contain all experiment counting rates, telescope temperatures, universal time, latitude, longitude, height, sun-earth-satellite angle, geomagnetic coordinates, and various data quality flags. The data within a file are always monotonically increasing in time. However, the set of files comprising a data tape is not necessarily time ordered. Redundancies in the data have been deleted.
Questions or comments about this data collection can be directed to: Coordinated Request and User Support Office.
Name | Role | Original Affiliation |
Dimotakis, P. E., OGO-C orientation study, Calif. Inst.of Technol., Space Radiat. Lab., Internal Rept. No. 9, Pasadena, CA, Sept. 1966.
Detector characteristics for experiments 65-081A-07 (OGO 2) and 67-073A-08 (OGO 4), Unpublished, Unnumbered, Feb. 1971.
Brecht, J. J., Low energy proton Alpha particle measurement (65-081A-07), NASA-GSFC, NSSDC, Unnumbered, Greenbelt, MD, Feb. 1971.
Aguilar, E., et al., Magnetic tape formats for experiment number 8 on OGO 2 and 4, Unpublished, Unnumbered, Mar. 1971.