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National Space Science Data Center Header

Proton-Alpha Telescope Pulse Height Analyzer Data


Availability: At NSSDC, Ready for Offline Distribution (or Staging if Digital)

Time span: 1966-09-04 to 1967-11-25


This data set consists of reduced pulse height analyzer data, ordered by solar rotation number, on three 7-track, 800-bpi, XDS 930, binary magnetic tapes. Each tape has a 56-character header record followed by a variable number of files. Each file has a 25-character header record followed by a variable number of 4098-character records. Each record contains a list of the pulse height values of analyzed events plus the number of good, bad, fill, reset, and untransmitted events during a specified time period. The pulse height analysis was carried out for two of the dE/dx vs range telescope coincidence combinations (D1' not D2' not D4', and D1'D2' not D4'), corresponding to proton energies from 1.4 to 8.6 MeV and from 8.6 to 33 MeV. A microfilmed index of this data set is also available (data set 64-054A-18E).


  • Space Physics: Heliospheric Studies


  • 64-054A-18C

Additional Information



Questions or comments about this data collection can be directed to: Coordinated Request and User Support Office.



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Selected References

Detector characteristics for experiments 66-054A-18 (OGO 1) and 66-049A-03 (OGO 3) (University of Chicago), Unpublished, Unnumbered, Jan. 1971.

Magnetic tape format description for data sets 64-054A-18C (OGO 1) and 66-049A-03C (OGO 3), Unpublished, Unnumbered, Feb. 1971.

Proton-Alpha telescope pulse height analyzer characteristics for experiments 64-054A-18 (OGO 1) and 66-049A-03 (OGO 3), Unpublished, Unnumbered, Feb. 1971.

Brecht, J. J., Cosmic-ray spectra and fluxes from OGO 1, experiment section, (64-054A-18) (NSSDC information packet), NASA-GSFC, NSSDC, Unnumbered, Greenbelt, MD, Jan. 1971.

Brecht, J. J., Proton-Alpha telescope pulse height analyzer data from OGO 1, data set section, (64-054A-18C) (NSSDC information packet), NASA-GSFC, NSSDC, Unnumbered, Greenbelt, MD, Jan. 1971.

Brecht, J. J., University of Chicago proton-Alpha telescope pulse height analyzer tape log, NASA-GSFC, NSSDC, Unnumbered, Greenbelt, MD, Mar. 1971.

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