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Reduced L-Interpolated Count Rates


Availability: Data Removed from NSSDC

Time span: 1966-06-11 to 1967-12-27


This electron spectrometer count rate data set is on a BCD magnetic tape generated at NSSDC. For storage convenience, this and another data set (64-054A-21I) are stored on the same tape. This data set contains count rates, equatorial pitch angles, times (UT), and L values. This data set occupies files number 3 and 4 on the tape. The first file of this set (file 3) contains reduced OGO 3 inner zone electron data for 10 discrete L values in the L range from L = 1.3 to L = 2.4. The second file (file 4) contains reduced OGO 3 outer zone electron data for 16 discrete L values in the range from L = 2.4 to L = 7.0. Each file is made up of an arbitrary number of 84-character records. Within each file there are five groups of records (one for each data channel) in which the following sequence is repeated n times (n = number of discrete L values): a header record preceding a string of data records, followed by a trailer record. All data originated from data set 66-049A-22F.


  • Space Physics: Heliospheric Studies
  • Space Physics: Magnetospheric Studies


  • 64-054A-21I
  • 66-049A-22K

Additional Information



Questions or comments about this data collection can be directed to: Coordinated Request and User Support Office.



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Selected References

Singley, G. W., Reduction and analysis of electron data for outer zone electron model AE-4, NASA-GSFC, NSSDC 71-08, Greenbelt, MD, Mar. 1971.

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