ISIS Topside Sounder ionogram header files in ASCII format This directory contains ionogram header files for the ISIS 1 and 2 topside sounder ionogram passes. These data were provided as part of an OSS/AISRP data restoration project at GSFC (R. Benson, PI). Each ASCII header file includes the header information for each ionogram during the specific satellite pass. More information about the ISIS project can be found at Format Description: Subdirectories: /sss_lat_long/isis&/yyyy 'sss' is the 3-digit identification code of the ground station (a list of stations can be found at http://nssdc/space/isis/isis-table1-new.html); 'lat' and 'long' are the geodetic latitude and longitude of the ground station. 'isis&' is either 'isis1' or 'isis2' 'yyyy' is the 4-digit year A search page ( lets users locate data for specified dates, times, locations and other search criteria. Selected ISIS ionogram data are accessible for viewing and downloading on CDAWeb at The list of accessible files can be found at Please acknowledge the NASA Space Physics Data Facility and the instrument's Principal Investigator for data usage. Keywords: ionosphere, topside, sounder, ionogram Data contact:> NASA Official: Dr. Robert McGuire