Availability: At NSSDC, Ready for Offline Distribution (or Staging if Digital)
Time span: 1971-04-14 to 1973-03-31
This data collection, prepared by the principal investigator contains a two-year span of electron number densities and electron temperatures observed at the satellite. The data were originally provided on binary magnetic tape written on an IBM 360 computer and is now available on-line at:
Subsetting and plotting capabilities are provided through the ATMOWeb interface at:
The data have been calculated from the telemetered retarding potential curves. Included in the listings for each data point are telemetry station, orbit number, date, Greenwich and local mean time, geodetic coordinates, geomagnetic latitude and longitude, geomagnetic-field intensity and dip angle, solar zenith angle, solar 10.7-cm flux, planetary Ap index, and satellite potential. Temperature data occur about every other data point, alternating with electron density values. Gaps in time coverage are usually a few orbits or less. The data have gaps in coverage caused primarily by limitations (or failure) of the tape recorder, and limitations of experiment scheduling.
These same data are available on microfilm as collection SPIO-00084.
Questions or comments about this data collection can be directed to: Coordinated Request and User Support Office.
Name | Role | Original Affiliation | |
Mr. Larry H. Brace | General Contact | NASA Goddard Space Flight Center |